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发布时间:2018-01-08 20:30

  本文关键词:基于东方管理理论的应用型大学竞争力研究 出处:《复旦大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 东方管理 应用型大学 竞争力

【摘要】:自上世纪末我国高等学校大规模扩招以来,高等教育经历了从精英教育向大众化教育的历史性转变,形成了多样化的发展格局和多层次的办学模式。我国高等教育的发展,呼唤教育管理理论的创新。 复旦大学苏东水首席教授为代表的东方管理学派,坚持管理和实践创新,探索与研究东方管理学,迄今已近四十年了。融合了东西方管理思想精华的东方管理学理论具有极高的理论价值和实践价值。东方管理学的“以人为本,以德为先,人为为人”的“三为”核心思想,植根于中华优秀传统文化,体现了中国管理思想的精髓,它不仅对现代企业管理有着较强的指导价值,而且在应用型大学的建设发展中也具有很强的指导意义。 论文较为系统地阐述了东方管理学的理论体系及其理论价值,对东方管理学理论的“三为”核心思想,以及所对应的“人本管理、人德管理、人为管理”进行了比较全面的论述,将东方管理学理论与应用型大学的竞争力管理进行了逻辑上的关联。以“主体人”的基本假设为前提,论证了提升应用型大学竞争力的四个基本因素是:“以人为本”的办学理念、“人为决策”的办学模式、“重在谋略”的资源整合、“天人合一”的管理机制,同时分析了市场和政府两个辅助因素对大学竞争力的影响作用,较为深入地探讨了应用型大学的竞争力管理机制,并构建了应用型大学竞争力评价指标体系,提出了应用型大学竞争力的战略模型构架,以及提升应用型大学竞争力的基本策略。 论文运用所建构的应用型大学竞争力评价指标体系,采用模糊综合评价方法,对应用型大学竞争力进行了实证评价。选择教育部创建现代化特色大学的试点高校之一,教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”首批试点高校:上海工程技术大学,作为实证评价典型案例,实证检验评价指标体系与评价方法的科学性和可操作性。同时,深入分析了上海工程技术大学在东方管理学理论指导下的管理实践创新,揭示了应用型大学竞争力管理的普遍规律,在上述研究基础上,在办学理念、办学模式、资源整合、服务机制等方面提出了提升应用型大学竞争力的创新策略。
[Abstract]:Since the end of last century, China's higher school enrollment, higher education has changed from elite education to mass education history, formed a diversified development pattern and multi-level education mode. The development of China's higher education, a new education management theory.
Chief of Fudan University professor Su Dongshui as the representative of the Oriental Management School, adhere to the management and practice of innovation, exploration and research of Oriental management, has been nearly forty years. Oriental management theory combines the eastern and Western management thought essence has high theoretical value and practical value. The people-oriented Oriental Management ", to Germany for the first people," "three" core idea, rooted in traditional Chinese culture, embodies the essence of China management thought, it not only for modern enterprise management has a strong guiding value, but also has a strong guiding significance in the development of Application-oriented University.
The theoretical system and theoretical value of thesis systematically elaborated the oriental management, the theory of Oriental Management "three" core idea, as well as the "people-oriented management, people management, human management" are discussed comprehensively, the oriental management theory and competitive management in application oriented university are logically related. "The basic hypothesis of the subject" as the premise, the author demonstrates four basic factors to enhance the competitiveness of the applied university is "people-oriented" concept, "human decision" education mode, "focuses on the resource integration strategy", "harmony management mechanism" at the same time, analyzed the function of the market and the government two auxiliary factors impact on the competitiveness of universities, discusses the application of University competitiveness management mechanism, and the construction of the applied university competitiveness evaluation index The standard system has put forward the framework of the strategic model of the competitiveness of the applied universities and the basic strategies to improve the competitiveness of the applied universities.
The use of the construction of application oriented university competitiveness evaluation index system, using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, an empirical evaluation of the applied university competitiveness. One of the pilot universities choose the Ministry of education to create a modern characteristics of the University, the Ministry of education of "excellent engineer education training plan" the first batch of Pilot Universities: Shanghai University of Engineering Science, as an empirical evaluation of the typical case, science the method of the evaluation index system and empirical evaluation and operation. At the same time, in-depth analysis of the Shanghai University of Engineering Science under the guidance of the theory of the oriental management management practice innovation, reveals the universal law of competence management in application oriented university, on the basis of study on educational philosophy, educational mode, resource integration, and proposes innovation strategies to enhance the competitiveness of universities application service mechanism.



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