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  本文关键词:大学生道德判断中情绪因素的作用机制 出处:《山西医科大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 道德判断 电车两难 直觉情绪

【摘要】:目的:考察大学生在不同情绪唤醒状态下的道德判断反应倾向,分别探讨与道德情境相关的直觉情绪以及个体先前唤醒情绪在道德判断中的影响作用。 对象:招募自愿参加测试的大学本科生61人,男28,女33,采用完全随机抽样的方法,所选被试均为医学相关专业。 方法:本实验主要采用经典电车两难故事作为材料考察个体的道德判断倾向。已有研究发现,经典电车困境中个体倾向于选择牺牲一个人拯救另外五个人,即根据事件的利益、结果进行评判,从而做出功利主义判断。我们认为,电车困境中情绪情感也参与了道德判断,在某些处理下,个体或许倾向于做出非功利主义判断。实验中将通过对两难故事的调整及环境的控制来考察直觉情绪在道德判断中的作用机制。首先,本实验通过减少可拯救人数来降低认知控制,从而突出直觉情绪来验证道德判断中情绪是否起作用。其次,通过唤醒平静、高兴、悲伤三种情绪状态探讨个体先前的情绪状态,即非道德情境引发的直觉情绪对道德判断的作用机制。 结果:直觉情绪和认知控制共同作用于道德判断。在电车两难困境中,被试的反应类型在不同工人数时差异显著(p0.01)。采用1工人为参照,维修工人为2,3,4,,5人时均和1人时作比较,不同情绪唤醒状态下维修工人数量不同时被试的反应差异显著,平静组(p0.0125)、高兴组(p0.0125)。当被试的情绪唤醒为悲伤时,维修工人数量在4,5个时与1个人作比较,被试的反应差异是显著的(p0.0125)。这表明随着道德情境的改变,可拯救人数的增加,被试的道德判断模式由非功利主义向功利主义转变。 在一定条件下,不同的情绪唤醒状态会对道德判断造成影响。五个不同水平下三种情绪唤醒对被试反应的影响,工人数为2、3个人的时候情绪对被试反应的影响差异显著(p0.05)。以平静组作为参照组,考察被试在悲伤唤醒和高兴唤醒下的反应差异。维修工人数为3时平静和悲伤情绪唤醒对被试反应的影响差异显著(p0.025);在维修工人数量为2时平静和悲伤情绪唤醒相比较,被试反应的影响差异显著首先(p0.025),平静或者高兴情绪状态对个体的道德判断影响不显著。 结论:(1)直觉情绪和认知控制通过竞争来主导道德判断的结果:情境激发的直觉情绪反应高于认知控制反应个体做出非功利判断,反之,个体做出功利判断。 (2)悲伤情绪状态会对道德判断造成影响,平静或高兴情绪状态对道德判断的影响不大。 (3)个体情绪状态的影响作用只表现在中等认知情境当中,在绝对的功利主义道德情境(认知控制起决定作用)和非功利主义道德情境(直觉情绪起决定作用)中影响不大。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the moral judgment reaction tendency of college students in different emotional arousal states, and to explore the influence of individual arousal emotion on moral judgment. Participants: a total of 61 undergraduates (28 males and 33 females) were recruited to take part in the test. Methods: this experiment mainly uses the classic tram dilemma story as the material to investigate the individual's moral judgment tendency. It has been found that in the classic tram dilemma individuals tend to choose to sacrifice one person to save the other five people. That is, judging according to the interests of the event, the result of the judgment of utilitarianism. We believe that in the tram plight emotional feelings also participate in the moral judgment, in some cases to deal with. Individuals may tend to make non-utilitarian judgments. The experiment will examine the role of intuitive emotions in moral judgment by adjusting the dilemma story and controlling the environment. First of all. This experiment reduces cognitive control by reducing the number of people who can be saved, thus highlighting intuitive emotions to verify whether emotion plays a role in moral judgment. Secondly, by arousing calm and happy. The three emotional states of sadness explore the previous emotional state of the individual, that is, the mechanism of the intuitive emotion induced by the immoral situation on moral judgment. Results: intuitionistic emotion and cognitive control played an important role in moral judgment. In the tram dilemma, there were significant differences in response types between different workers (p 0.01). 1 worker was used as reference. The responses of maintenance workers in different emotional arousal states were significantly different (p0.0125). Happy group p0.0125. When the subjects' emotional awakening was sad, the number of maintenance workers was 4, 5 and compared with one person. The difference of reaction was significant (p 0.0125), which indicated that with the change of moral situation, the number of people who could be saved increased, and the moral judgment mode of the subjects changed from non-utilitarianism to utilitarianism. Under certain conditions, different emotional arousal states will have an impact on moral judgment. Under five different levels of emotional arousal, the number of workers affected by three kinds of emotional arousal on the subjects' reaction is 2. (3) the effect of time emotion on the reaction of the subjects was significantly different (p 0.05). The calm group was taken as the reference group. The difference of response between the subjects under the condition of sad arousal and happy arousal was investigated. The number of maintenance workers was significantly different from that of 3:00 calm and sad emotional arousal on the response of the subjects (p 0.025). When the number of maintenance workers was 2:00 calm and sad emotional arousal, there were significant differences in the effect of subjects' reaction first (p0.025), and the influence of calm or happy emotional state on individual moral judgment was not significant. Conclusion: 1) intuitive emotion and cognitive control dominate moral judgment through competition: the intuitionistic emotional response stimulated by situation is higher than the non-utilitarian judgment made by the individual of cognitive control response. Individuals make utilitarian judgments. (2) the state of sadness may have an effect on moral judgment, but the state of calm or pleasure has little effect on moral judgment. 3) the effect of individual emotional state is only reflected in the middle cognitive situation. In the absolute utilitarian moral situation (cognitive control plays a decisive role) and the non-utilitarian moral situation (intuitive emotion plays a decisive role) the influence is not significant.


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