本文关键词: 协作学习 媒体类课程 实践教学 有效策略 出处:《河南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着信息化社会的到来,传统的以老师为中心教育模式成为信息时代教育技术发展的瓶颈,影响着教育的改革与发展。目前高校的媒体类课程教育大多采用教师讲授制作知识、学生临摹操作步骤的模式。在这种教学模式下,教师始终是占据着主导地位,而学生则跟着老师的思路走,自始至终处于被动地位,不利于培养自己的协作能力和创新思维。 媒体类课程更应当注重培养学生团队协作等综合能力,才能符合社会对媒体类专业的需求,才能顺利地让学生打开就业之门。媒体类课程实践教学中应用协作学习新模式不仅有利于课程理论与实践紧密结合,而且培养出更多的创新型人才。 首先,在比较以传统协作学习模式的基础上,针对媒体类课程实践教学培养目标,通过综述研究现状,阐明研究意义,提出了协作学习模式应用在媒体类课程实践教学活动中的研究问题。 其次,根据媒体类课程实践教学的特点,并结合日常教学实践的经验,通过对建构主义理论的学习与分析,系统阐述了媒体类课程实践教学中的协作学习理论,,构建了适用于媒体类课程实践教学的协作学习模式。 再次,开展在INDESIGN课程和3DSMAX课程教学的应用实践。结果表明,媒体类课程实践教学的协作模式应用中,采用任务驱动教学法布置教学内容及作业练习,让学生在设计过程中拓展思维、发现问题、收集资料,可以激发学习兴趣,提高学习效率。 最后,探索媒体类课程实践教学中影响协作学习模式应用的因素,并提出相应的改进措施与策略。目前,协作学习模式应用在媒体类课程实践教学仍存在协作学习活动应如何设计等问题。对此,本文在实践基础上,提出借助于多媒体技术,给学生以直观感性的图像信息,解决课堂上无法实际操作或演示的环节;借助于“头脑风暴法”,在相互讨论中激发学生产生新设想,构建开放而有活力的协作课堂。
[Abstract]:With the advent of information society, the traditional teacher-centered education model has become the bottleneck of the development of educational technology in the information age, which affects the reform and development of education. In this teaching mode, the teacher always occupies the leading position, while the students follow the teacher's train of thought, and they are in a passive position from beginning to end, which is not conducive to the cultivation of their own cooperation ability and innovative thinking. Media courses should pay more attention to the training of students' team cooperation and other comprehensive abilities in order to meet the needs of the society for media majors. The application of the new mode of cooperative learning in practical teaching of media courses is not only conducive to the close integration of curriculum theory and practice, but also to the cultivation of more innovative talents. First of all, on the basis of comparing the traditional cooperative learning model, aiming at the training goal of practical teaching of media courses, the significance of the research is clarified by summarizing the current research situation. The research on the application of cooperative learning model in the practice teaching of media courses is put forward. Secondly, according to the characteristics of practical teaching of media courses and combined with the experience of daily teaching practice, through the study and analysis of constructivism theory, this paper systematically expounds the theory of cooperative learning in practical teaching of media courses. A cooperative learning model suitable for practical teaching of media courses is constructed. Thirdly, the application practice of INDESIGN and 3DS Max courses teaching is carried out. The results show that the task-driven teaching method is used to arrange the teaching contents and homework exercises in the cooperative mode of media curriculum practice teaching. In the process of design, students can develop their thinking, discover problems and collect information, which can stimulate their interest in learning and improve their learning efficiency. Finally, the paper explores the factors that affect the application of cooperative learning model in the practical teaching of media courses, and puts forward corresponding improvement measures and strategies. There are still some problems such as how to design collaborative learning activities in practical teaching of media courses. On the basis of practice, this paper puts forward the idea of giving students visual and perceptual image information by means of multimedia technology. In order to solve the problems which can not be operated or demonstrated in the classroom, by means of "brainstorming method", the students are stimulated to produce new ideas in the mutual discussion, and an open and energetic cooperative classroom is constructed.
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