本文关键词: 医学生 刻板印象 职业性别刻板印象 内隐联想测验 出处:《新乡医学院》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:背景 职业性别刻板印象作为刻板印象重要表现形式,从上世纪90年代至今,一直是社会认知领域较为活跃的研究方向。近年来,国内外研究者一致发现在大学生群体中普遍存在内隐职业性别刻板印象,但几乎没有涉及对特定专业、专业知识的灌输与内隐职业性别刻板印象关系的研究,职业性别刻板印象的可改变性进行研究也并不多见。 目的 本研究探析医学本科生及研究生的内隐职业性别刻板印象及其之间的关系;医学生被试内隐职业性别刻板印象是否具有可改变性。 方法 本研究采用内隐联想测验的基本原理,使用自行设计编制的试验程序,从新乡医学院分层随机抽取本科生120名,其中男生60名,女生60名;抽取研究生40名,男生20名,女生20名为被试,研究医学本科生及研究生男女被试的内隐职业性别刻板印象,并探讨其之间的关系;采用阈下评价性条件反射技术来对被试的内隐职业性别刻板印象进行干预实验,研究医学生内隐职业性别刻板印象的可改变性,并验证阈下评价性条件反射技术是否对职业性别刻板印象具有干预效果。 结果 研究一:采用内隐联想测验对120名医学本科生和40名医学研究生共160名被试的内隐职业性别刻板印象进行研究,剔除错误率高于20%的被试数据17个,最终得到有效数据143个。结果表明医学专业学生被试存在着显著的内隐职业性别刻板印象,具体表现为:①相容任务组合(男性姓名+男性职业/女性姓名+女性职业)和不相容任务组合(男性姓名+女性职业/女性姓名+男性职业)之间的反应时差异极其显著(P0.001),并且在性别上没有显著差异(P0.05);②不同生源地被试的内隐职业性别刻板印象没有差异(P0.05);③医学研究生和本科生的内隐职业性别刻板印象有显著性差异∽0.001),研究生的刻板印象程度略高于本科生。 研究二:采用阈下评价性条件反射技术对120名医学本科生和40名医学研究生被试进行干预研究,剔除错误率高于20%的被试数据19个,最终得到有效数据141个。结果发现,医学生内隐职业性别刻板印象在干预前后有显著差异(P0.05),通过阈下评价性条件反射技术可以对其内隐职业性别刻板印象进行改变。 结论 (1)医学生被试存在显著的内隐职业性别刻板印象;医学教育可以影响被试的内隐职业性别刻板印象。 (2)通过闽下评价性条件反射技术可以改变被试的内隐职业性别刻板印象。
[Abstract]:Background. As an important form of stereotype, occupational gender stereotype has been an active research direction in the field of social cognition since -10s. Researchers both at home and abroad have found that implicit occupational gender stereotype is common in college students, but there is almost no research on the relationship between the instillation of professional knowledge and the implicit occupational gender stereotype. It is also rare to study the transmutability of occupational gender stereotypes. Purpose. This study explores the implicit occupational gender stereotype of medical undergraduates and postgraduates and the relationship between it and whether the implicit occupational gender stereotype of medical students is changeable. Method. Using the basic principle of implicit association test and the self-designed experimental procedure, 120 undergraduates were randomly selected from Xinxiang Medical College, including 60 boys and 60 girls, 40 graduate students and 20 boys. A total of 20 female students were enrolled in this study to study the implicit occupational gender stereotypes of male and female medical undergraduates and postgraduates and to explore the relationship between them. The subthreshold evaluation conditioned reflex technique was used to intervene the implicit occupational gender stereotype of the subjects and to study the variability of the implicit occupational gender stereotype in medical students. And to verify whether the subthreshold evaluation conditioned reflex technique has the intervention effect on occupational gender stereotype. Results. Study 1: the implicit occupational gender stereotype of 120 medical undergraduates and 40 medical graduate students was studied by implicit association test, and 17 subjects whose error rate was higher than 20% were eliminated. Finally, 143 valid data were obtained. The results showed that there was a significant implicit occupational gender stereotype in medical students. The difference in response time between the compatible task set (male name, male occupation / female occupation) and incompatible task combination (male name, female occupation / female occupation). There was no significant difference in the gender stereotype of implicit occupation among the subjects from different places. There was no difference in the implicit occupational gender stereotype between the medical graduate students and the undergraduate students. There was a significant difference in the implicit occupational gender stereotype between the medical graduate students and the undergraduate students, and there was a significant difference in the implicit occupational gender stereotype between the subjects from different places. There was a significant difference in the gender stereotype of the implicit occupation between the medical graduate students and the undergraduate students. The degree of stereotype of the students is slightly higher than that of the undergraduates. Study 2: using subthreshold evaluation conditioned reflex technique to intervene 120 medical undergraduates and 40 medical graduate students, 19 subjects whose error rate was higher than 20% were eliminated, and 141 effective data were obtained. There was significant difference in implicit occupational gender stereotype between medical students before and after intervention (P 0.05). The implicit occupational gender stereotype could be changed by subthreshold evaluation conditioned reflex technique. Conclusion. 1) there were significant implicit occupational gender stereotypes in medical students, and medical education could influence implicit occupational gender stereotypes. 2) the implicit occupational gender stereotype can be changed by evaluating conditioned reflex technique.
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