本文关键词: 大学生法制教育 成因探究 途径创新 监督机制 法律信仰 出处:《重庆工商大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:大学生不仅是祖国的未来和民族的希望,也是社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,大学生法律意识的增强对我国社会主义建设发挥着举足轻重的作用。他们的法律意识的高低,直接影响着我国社会主义法治建设的步伐,关系到社会主义市场经济能否顺利发展。高校法制教育作为高校思想政治教育的一部分,对于增强大学生法律意识,预防大学生犯罪具有重要的作用。 目前高校法制教育还存在着形式单一、实效性差和重视程度不够等问题,加强和改进高校法制教育,具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。本选题在已有的相关研究基础上,加强了对目前高校法制教育薄弱环节的研究,比如高校法制教育取得的成效研究、不同层次和文化背景高校的对比研究、高校法制教育对预防大学生犯罪的作用研究和高校法制教育监督机制研究。 本选题以在校大学生作为研究对象,通过实地调研、问卷调查、文献研究等方法,分析新时期高校大学生法制教育现状,探寻新时期高校法制教育的不足及其原因,以此提出进一步加强高校大学生法制教育的对策。全文共分四章:第一章绪论部分主要介绍国内外研究现状和本选题的研究方法和主要创新点;第二章从“高校大学生法制教育”等相关概念入手,分析高校大学生法制教育的特点以及重要性和必要性;第三章通过对八所高校的问卷调查,,分析目前高校大学生法制教育取得的成效和存在的问题,从外部、内部和自身三个方面剖析目前高校大学生法制教育存在问题的原因。第四章从思想政治教育的角度出发,针对高校大学生法制教育存在的问题进行了对策研究,提出加强高校大学生法制教育可以从营造法制环境、加强重要性认识、改革高校法制教育内容与形式、重视大学生法律信仰的培育等方面入手等观点。
[Abstract]:College students are not only the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation, but also the builders and successors of the socialist cause. As a part of the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, the legal education in colleges and universities has a direct impact on the pace of the construction of the socialist rule of law in our country and on whether the socialist market economy can develop smoothly. Preventing college students from committing crimes plays an important role. At present, there are still some problems in the legal education of colleges and universities, such as single form, poor effectiveness and insufficient attention. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen and improve the legal education in colleges and universities. Strengthening the research on the weak links of legal education in colleges and universities at present, such as the research on the effectiveness of the legal education in colleges and universities, and the comparative study of universities with different levels and cultural backgrounds. The role of legal education in preventing college students' crime and the supervision mechanism of legal education in colleges and universities. This topic takes the university student as the research object, through the field investigation, the questionnaire survey, the literature research and so on method, analyzes the university student legal system education present situation in the new period, explores the new period university legal system education insufficiency and the reason. The thesis is divided into four chapters: the first chapter mainly introduces the domestic and foreign research situation, the research methods and the main innovation points of this topic; The second chapter analyzes the characteristics, importance and necessity of the legal education of university students from the related concepts of "college students' legal education". This paper analyzes the achievements and problems in the legal education of college students at present, analyzes the causes of the existing problems in the legal education of college students from the external, internal and self aspects. Chapter 4th sets out from the angle of ideological and political education. This paper makes a study on the problems existing in the legal education of college students, and puts forward that strengthening the legal education of college students can improve the content and form of the legal education by creating the legal environment, strengthening the understanding of the importance and reforming the contents and forms of the legal education in colleges and universities. Pay attention to the cultivation of college students' legal belief and so on.
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