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发布时间:2018-04-02 13:06

  本文选题:孔子 切入点:生命观 出处:《广西大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前大学生生命意识滑坡和生命责任缺失所表现出的轻视生命甚至残害生命的现象,高校教育者已给予高度关注,学术界也从目标、内容、途径等各个方面为大学生生命教育的有效实施献计献策。 本文首先针对生命、生命观、生命教育和大学生生命教育的基本概念进行了解析,总结了当前大学生生命教育发展的状况。然后从加强大学生生命教育是人自由而全面发展的必然要求,是高校思想政治教育的应然之义,也是大学生向着传统文化的精神家园回归的必然路径这三个角度来阐述大学生生命教育的必要性。 其次,文章从代表着中国优秀传统文化的儒家创始人孔子的生命观出发,系统分析了孔子的重生轻死的自然生命观,以孝悌为起点的家庭生命观,以和为贵的社会生命观、以仁爱为核心的道德生命观和以圣人君子为人格目标的精神生命观的整体内容。 最后,文章重点探讨了孔子的生命观对大学生生命教育的启示。具体表现在孔子的自然生命观对大学生个体生存意识教育的启示,孔子的家庭生命观对大学生感恩的家庭生命责任感的启示,孔子的社会生命观对大学生奉献的社会生命责任感教育的启示,孔子的道德生命观对大学生道德生命修养教育的启示,孔子的精神生命观对大学生超越性精神生命教育的启示。挖掘以孔子的生命观为代表的中国优秀传统文化中的精华资源,对大学生进行有效的生命教育,是我们每位教育者任重而道远的的责任。
[Abstract]:At present, the phenomenon of despising life and even maiming life, which is shown by the slide of college students' life consciousness and the lack of life responsibility, has been highly concerned by university educators, and the academic circles have also paid close attention to it from the aim and content.Ways and other aspects for the effective implementation of life education for college students.This paper first analyzes the basic concepts of life, life, life education and college students' life education, and summarizes the current situation of college students' life education development.Then, from the point of view that strengthening the life education of college students is an inevitable requirement for the free and all-round development of human beings, it is the necessary meaning of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.It is also the inevitable way for college students to return to the spiritual homeland of traditional culture to expound the necessity of college students' life education.Secondly, starting from the Confucian founder Confucius' view of life, which represents the outstanding Chinese traditional culture, the article systematically analyzes Confucius' view of natural life of rebirth and light death, the view of family life starting from filial piety, and the view of social life that takes harmony as the most important.The whole content of the moral life view with benevolence as the core and the spirit life view with the sage gentleman as the personality goal.At last, the article discusses the enlightenment of Confucius'view of life to college students'life education.It is embodied in the enlightenment of Confucius' view of natural life to the education of individual survival consciousness of college students, and the enlightenment of Confucius' view of family life to the grateful sense of family life of college students.The enlightenment of Confucius' view of social life to the education of college students' sense of social life responsibility, the enlightenment of Confucius' view of moral life to the education of college students' moral life accomplishment, and the enlightenment of Confucius' view of spiritual life to college students' transcendent spiritual life education.It is the responsibility of every educator to excavate the essence resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture, which is represented by Confucius' view of life, and to carry out effective life education for college students.


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