本文选题:宋代书院 + 学风 ; 参考:《北方工业大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:宋代是中国古代书院发展的巅峰时期,书院在数量和质量上都有了质的飞跃,其中四大书院无论在教育教学质量还是人才培养模式方面,更是当时众多书院中的佼佼者。这一时期的书院不但吸引了一大批第一流的学者讲学其中,而且培养了众多的经世致用之才。随着自身的不断完善和发展,宋代书院形成了既不同于前代书院也有别于当时官学的学风,这种学风反过来也对书院的教师和学生产生了积极地影响,从而影响到当时以及后世的学风发展方向。 本文分四部分进行研究。第一部分对文章的研究意义和目的,以及国内外书院研究综述进行了阐述,结合宋代历史背景和文化传统对评选样板书院的标准进行了讨论,以书院在当时及后世的影响、民间力量在书院的比例多少、理学在书院的发展状况、理学大师对书院及生徒的影响几个方面作为主要评定标准,并着重考察有关书院史的专著和文章中出现频率较高的几所书院,来对比评选出宋代“四大书院”。并对古今学风概念和范畴作了分析比较,得出由于时代和社会发展状况不同,受当时社会政治、经济、文化等因素的影响,使得“学风”一词的概念与内容也有差异。第二部分是分析宋代书院学风的形成,在历史背景下对宋代书院学风的形成、发展体系以及兴起的原因进行了论述和研究。对宋之前的书院体系进行了介绍,并确定了在书院发展最繁荣的宋时期,岳麓、白鹿洞、石鼓、嵩阳四所书院是众多书院仿效建设的模板。其次,就宋代理学在书院学风的影响上,对作为书院基础的程朱理学进行了深入研究,并分析了书院与理学关系,书院教育机制的形成,理学对书院的教育目的,教学内容和方法等方面的影响,以及理学对于促进宋代书院优良学风所起到的作用。第三部分研究了宋代书院学风的内容及特征,概括出学风的表现形式为学规、教师、生徒三者,学规成为学风的规章从根本上对书院师生起着约束和制约作用;教师作为传播学风的主要力量成为学风的主导;学生作为优良学风的受益群体成为学风的载体。同时对宋代书院学风特点作了阐述,其是在纠正科举不正之风的过程中实现的,它是通过理学探索与书院教学相结合,学术研究和讲学相结合来实现的,并且在这个过程中具有了自由争辩和讨论的氛围以及师生求实求真的为学精神等特点。最后的启示部分,以书院学风在当时及后世的影响来研究宋代书院学风对于当今高校的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:The Song Dynasty was the peak of the development of ancient academies in China. The academies made a qualitative leap in both quantity and quality. The four academies, whether in terms of educational quality or talent training model, were the best among the numerous academies at that time.The academy during this period not only attracted a large number of first-class scholars to lecture among them, but also cultivated a large number of practical talents.With the continuous improvement and development of itself, the academies of the Song Dynasty formed a style of study different from that of the former academies as well as that of the officials at that time, which, in turn, had a positive impact on the teachers and students of the academies.Thus affecting the development direction of the style of study at that time and later generations.This paper is divided into four parts.In the first part, the significance and purpose of the article, as well as the summarization of academies at home and abroad are expounded, and the criteria of selecting model academies are discussed in combination with the historical background and cultural tradition of the Song Dynasty, so as to discuss the influence of the academies at that time and in later generations.The proportion of folk forces in the Academy, the development of Neo-Confucianism in the Academy, and the influence of the Master of Neo-Confucianism on the College and its students are the main assessment criteria.In order to compare and select "four academies" in Song Dynasty, the monograph about the history of academies and several academies with high frequency in articles were investigated.By analyzing and comparing the concepts and categories of ancient and modern style of study, it is concluded that the concept and content of the word "style of study" are different because of the different times and social development conditions and the influence of social politics, economy, culture and other factors at that time.The second part is to analyze the formation of the academy style of study in the Song Dynasty. In the historical background, the formation, development system and the reasons for the rise of the learning style of the academies in the Song Dynasty are discussed and studied.This paper introduces the academy system before the Song Dynasty, and determines that the four academies in Yuelu, Bailu Cave, Shigu and Songyang are the models for many academies to emulate and build in the Song Dynasty, which is the most prosperous period for the development of the academies.Secondly, the influence of Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty on the style of study of academies is deeply studied, and the relationship between the academies and Neo-Confucianism, the formation of the educational mechanism of the academies, the purpose of Neo-Confucianism to the academies of learning are also analyzed.The influence of teaching contents and methods, and the role of Neo-Confucianism in promoting the fine style of study of academies in Song Dynasty.The third part studies the content and characteristics of the style of study in the academies of Song Dynasty, and generalizes that the forms of the style of study are academic rules, teachers, students and students, and the rules of learning rules as a style of study play a fundamental role in constraining and restricting the teachers and students of the academies.As the main force of the style of communication, teachers become the dominant force of the style of study, and the students, as the beneficial group of excellent style of study, become the carriers of the style of study.At the same time, it expounds the characteristics of the style of study of academies in the Song Dynasty. It is realized in the process of correcting the unhealthy style of imperial examinations. It is realized through the combination of Neo-Confucianism exploration and academy teaching, academic research and lecture.And in this process with the atmosphere of free debate and discussion, as well as teachers and students seeking truth for the spirit of learning and so on.In the last part, the influence of academy style of study at that time and later generations is studied to study the significance of learning style of academies in Song Dynasty to colleges and universities.
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