本文选题:家庭资本 + 高等教育获得 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着高等教育扩招政策的实施,我国的高等教育已从精英教育步入大众化教育阶段。在高等教育规模迅速扩大的过程中,我国的整个高等教育系统日益呈现多样化特点,这在一定程度上适应了我国高等教育大众化的需要,同时也加重了高等教育系统内部的分层现象。受全球金融危机和高校毕业生数量剧增的双重影响,争夺稀缺的优质高等教育资源成为个体及家庭关注的重点。在此背景下,家庭资本如何影响高等教育获得成为国内外学者研究的焦点。 本研究以EMI假设、经济资本、社会资本、文化资本为理论基础,运用自编的家庭资本调查问卷作为测量工具,对天津市不同层次类型的2010级高校在校生进行调查。使用SPSS17.0对调查数据进行统计分析和实证研究,得出以下主要结论:(1)家庭资本对个体高等教育机会及就读的大学类型产生重要影响,不同层次高校的学生其家庭资本存在显著差异;(2)拥有较多家庭经济资本的学生在高等教育机会获得竞争中拥有更多优势;(3)家庭社会资本丰富的学生聚集在高校层次的上层,而家庭社会资本处于弱势的学生更多就读于地方性或职业性为特征的高校;(4)拥有较多家庭文化资本的学生无论是高等教育机会还是就读大学的类型都明显占优势;(5)家庭资本的不同组成部分对个体高等教育机会获得的影响作用不同,家庭社会资本的影响作用最大、家庭文化资本影响作用其次、家庭经济资本的影响作用最小。 为降低家庭资本的影响作用、促进教育均等的实现,本文提出四点对策建议:(1)充分认识家庭资本差异对高等教育获得的重要影响;(2)弱化家庭经济资本对高等教育获得的影响;(3)均衡公共文化产品投入数量,进行适度的文化补偿;(4)重视教育累积与延续作用,,均衡大学前的教育资源分配。
[Abstract]:With the implementation of higher education enrollment expansion policy, China's higher education has moved from elite education to popular education. In the process of the rapid expansion of higher education scale, the whole higher education system of our country is increasingly diversified, which to some extent meets the needs of the popularization of higher education in our country. At the same time, it also aggravated the phenomenon of stratification within the higher education system. Affected by the global financial crisis and the sharp increase in the number of college graduates, competing for scarce high-quality higher education resources has become the focus of individual and family attention. In this context, how family capital affects the acquisition of higher education has become the focus of scholars at home and abroad. Based on the EMI hypothesis, economic capital, social capital and cultural capital, and using the self-designed questionnaire of family capital as a measuring tool, this study investigated the students of 2010 levels of universities in Tianjin. Using SPSS17.0 to make statistical analysis and empirical research on the survey data, we can draw the following main conclusions: 1) Family capital has an important impact on the opportunities of individual higher education and the type of university in which they study. There are significant differences in family capital among students at different levels of higher education. (2) students with more family economic capital have more advantages in the competition for higher education opportunities. 3) students with rich family social capital gather in the upper class of higher education. Students with disadvantaged family social capital are more likely to study in local or professional colleges and universities.) students with more family cultural capital have obvious advantages both in higher education opportunities and in the types of university studies. (5) different components of household capital have different effects on individual access to higher education. The influence of family social capital is the biggest, the family culture capital is the second, and the family economic capital is the least. In order to reduce the impact of family capital and promote the realization of equality in education, This paper puts forward four countermeasures: 1) to fully understand the important influence of family capital difference on the acquisition of higher education 2) to weaken the influence of family economic capital on the acquisition of higher education 3) to balance the amount of investment in public cultural products. Pay attention to the accumulation and continuation of education and balance the allocation of educational resources before university.
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