本文选题:大学生 + 马克思主义幸福观 ; 参考:《黑龙江省社会科学院》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:追求幸福是人类永恒的主旋律。人类一切活动的最终目的是为了得到幸福。但是究竟什么样的幸福才是我们真正应该追求的?什么样的幸福观才能指引我们踏入幸福的殿堂?这些问题一直困扰着人们。生活在全球化与社会主义市场经济建设时代的大学生们,他们身处在时代的前沿,肩上承载着历史的重任和民族的希望,他们就是中国的明天。青年大学生拥有怎样的幸福观不仅关系他们自身的发展,更直接关系到祖国未来的前景,关系到社会的进步。因此,不管是为了大学生们今后的人生还是将来整个社会的发展,研究大学生的幸福观、引导大学生拥有科学的幸福观都是一项关系国家兴亡的重要使命。本文以马克思主义理论为指导,综合运用了哲学、伦理学、心理学、教育学等相关知识对这一问题进行了深入探讨。 本论文具体分为四个部分: 第一部分为绪论,包括问题的提出与意义、研究综述以及本文写作思路和创新之处。问题的提出与意义中包括选题的目的和意义、研究综述中具体列举了国内外对此课题的研究状况。 第二部分为马克思主义幸福观概述,包括幸福的基本意蕴与幸福的构成要件。马克思主义幸福观建立在辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义基础之上,马克思主义幸福观认为幸福是物质幸福与精神幸福的统一,是个人幸福与社会幸福的统一,它克服了以往幸福观对幸福理解的缺陷,提出了幸福的前提是道德,幸福的源泉是劳动,并且能够客观地看待财富,将其作为实现幸福的外在条件,,为人们正确理解与追求幸福指明了方向。 第三部分从大学生幸福观的现状入手,通过对收集到的社会数据和新闻报道等资料的分析,揭示出当代大学生幸福观中存在的一些突出问题——部分大学生对资本主义拜金主义幸福观、享乐主义幸福观以及利己主义幸福观的认同。进而分析部分大学生背离正确幸福观的原因,包括大学生自身以及外部环境导致的幸福观扭曲。 第四部分提出引导当代大学生确立马克思主义幸福观的基本路径。主要是通过树立远大的理想、培养高尚的道德、善于运用智慧、拥有奉献精神等这些措施,提高大学生们内在的道德修养,再通过对外部因素的完善,包括社会手段——倡导以人为本的幸福观以及社会主义荣辱观的弘扬,学校环境和家庭环境等方面的完善,内外因共同作用对当代大学生们的幸福观进行正确的引导,为深入理解和全面践行马克思主义幸福观提供对策。
[Abstract]:The pursuit of happiness is the eternal theme of mankind. The ultimate goal of all human activities is to be happy. But what kind of happiness should we really pursue? What kind of happiness can guide us into the palace of happiness? These problems haunt people all the time. College students living in the era of globalization and the construction of socialist market economy are in the forefront of the times, shouldering the historical responsibility and the hope of the nation, they are the future of China. What kind of happiness view young college students have is not only related to their own development, but also directly related to the future prospects of the motherland and the progress of society. Therefore, whether for the future life of college students or the development of the whole society, it is an important mission to study the concept of happiness of college students and guide them to have a scientific view of happiness. Under the guidance of Marxist theory, this paper makes a thorough study of this problem by using the relevant knowledge of philosophy, ethics, psychology, pedagogy and so on. This thesis is divided into four parts: The first part is the introduction, including the question and significance, the summary of the research and the ideas and innovations of this paper. The purpose and significance of topic selection are included in the questions raised and significance, and the research status at home and abroad on this subject is listed in the summary of research. The second part is an overview of Marxist concept of happiness, including the basic meaning of happiness and the elements of happiness. The Marxist concept of happiness is based on dialectical materialism and historical materialism. The Marxist view of happiness holds that happiness is the unity of material and spiritual happiness, as well as the unity of individual happiness and social happiness. It overcomes the defects of the understanding of happiness in the past, and puts forward that the premise of happiness is morality, the source of happiness is labor, and it can objectively view wealth as the external condition to realize happiness. It points out the direction for people to understand and pursue happiness correctly. The third part starts with the present situation of college students' concept of happiness, through the analysis of collected social data and news reports, etc. It reveals some outstanding problems in the view of happiness of contemporary college students-some college students agree with the view of happiness of capitalism money worship, the view of happiness of hedonism and the view of happiness of egoism. Then it analyzes the reasons why some college students deviate from the correct concept of happiness, including the distortion of the concept of happiness caused by the university students themselves and the external environment. The fourth part puts forward the basic path of guiding contemporary college students to establish Marxist concept of happiness. Mainly through the establishment of lofty ideals, the cultivation of noble morality, the good use of wisdom, the possession of dedication and other measures to improve the inner moral cultivation of college students, and then through the improvement of external factors. Including the social means-advocating the people-oriented concept of happiness and socialist concept of honor and disgrace, school environment and family environment and other aspects of perfection, internal and external causes of the contemporary college students to correctly guide the concept of happiness, To deeply understand and fully practice the Marxist concept of happiness to provide countermeasures.
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