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发布时间:2018-06-07 07:01

  本文选题:新时期 + 大学生 ; 参考:《重庆理工大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:中化民族传统美德历史悠久,博大精深,源远流长,并随着历史前进而不断传承与发展。新时期,随着国际经济全球化与科学技术的飞速发展,国内经济体制改革和社会转型的不断深入,传统美德如何在新时空境遇下发挥作用,高校思想政治教育工作者如何结合新时代的要求,积极发挥大学生传统美德教育的积极作用,弘扬中华民族的优秀文化,培养造就大批中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者,已成为一项迫切需要解决的课题。同时,国家的发展和强盛、民族的独立和振兴、人民的尊严和幸福,都离不开强大而先进的文化支撑。因此,如何将传统文化赋予时代内涵并转化为新时期社会主义先进文化,并将其根植于大学生头脑之中,消除广大青年学生对传统道德的误解,使其指导大学生实践活动,就成为思想政治教育工作者的首要任务。 本文围绕新时期大学生传统美德教育问题展开论述,共分为六个部分。在序言部分论述了文章的研究背景、研究思路以及研究方法。文章将研究背景置于中国改革开放和社会主义建设新时期,以大学生传统美德教育继承和发展研究为基本主线,通过对新时期大学生传统美德教育缺失现象描述及缺失原因分析,全方位、多维度的对新时期大学生传统美德教育工作进行研究,力求使传统美德教育在中国经济转轨、社会转型的时空境遇之下如何更好的发挥作用。 论文第二部分、三部分在对传统美德、传统美德教育、大学生传统美德教育三个基本概念做详细阐述的基础上描述了大学生传统美德教育缺失的现象,并从大学生自身、高校、社会三个角度就此类现象产生的原因进行了分析。 论文第四部分着重从中华民族生存发展的大局、当前社会和时代发展的要求、构建和谐社会的需要、大学生优良品德的养成四个方面力证传统美德教育在新时期大学生教育中的重要地位和作用,阐述新时期加强大学生传统美德教育的必要性。 作为本文的重点,论文第五部分主要对新时期下加强大学生传统美德教育的对策进行了认真分析,提出在进行大学生传统美德教育时一方面要弘扬民族精神,继承中华传统优秀文化,另一方面要结合新时代需求,发展当代大学生和谐美德。要牢牢把握新时期大学生传统美德教育基本要求,认清大学生传统美德教育的内在本质;实现大学生传统美德教育的可持续发展;明确大学生传统美德教育的目的;发挥大学生传统美德教育的作用。拓展新时期大学生传统美德教育务必要做到三个统筹即:统筹大学生传统美德理论教育与实践教育;统筹大学生传统美德教育目标和方法;统筹内化和外化过程,才能全方位加强大学生传统美德教育实效。另外,结合发展大学生传统美德教育内涵和外延,凝聚大学生传统美德教育合力。要力促高校传统美德教育改革,提高传统美德教育质量,实现传统美德教育的飞跃。 论文第六部分对全文进行了总结归纳。新时期的大学生传统美德教育任重而道远,要坚持大学生传统美德教育在德育工作中的基础地位不动摇,将大学生传统美德教育与大学生思想道德教育有机结合起来,,使大学生思想道德教育内容更为系统,更具针对性和时效性。
[Abstract]:The traditional virtues of the Chinese and chemical nationalities have a long history, profound and profound history, and continue to inherit and develop with the progress of history. In the new period, with the rapid development of the international economic globalization and science and technology, the reform of the domestic economic system and the continuous deepening of social transformation, the traditional German morality plays a role in the situation of the new time and space, and the ideological and political affairs of the University. It has become an urgent need to solve the problem that how to combine the new era with the requirements of the new era to give full play to the positive role of the education of the traditional virtues of the university students, to carry forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation and to cultivate a large number of qualified builders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The people's dignity and happiness can not be separated from the strong and advanced cultural support. Therefore, how to give the traditional culture the connotation of the times and transform it into the advanced socialist culture in the new period, and root it into the mind of the university students, eliminate the misunderstanding of the traditional morality by the young students and make them guide the practice of the college students. The first task of the political educators.
This article focuses on the problem of the traditional virtue education of college students in the new period, which is divided into six parts. In the preface, the research background, research ideas and research methods are discussed. The research background is placed in the new period of China's reform and opening up and socialist construction, based on the research of the inheritance and development of the traditional virtue education of the students. This main line, through the description of the lack of traditional virtues education in the new period, and the analysis of the reasons for the missing, a comprehensive and multi-dimensional study of the traditional virtues education of the college students in the new period, so as to make the traditional virtue education play a better role in the transition of China's economy and the social transformation of the time and space.
The second part of the paper, the three part describes the traditional virtues, traditional virtues education and the three basic concepts of College Students' traditional virtue education, and describes the phenomenon of the lack of traditional virtue education of college students, and analyzes the reasons for this kind of phenomenon from three angles of college students themselves, colleges and society.
The fourth part of the paper focuses on the overall situation of the survival and development of the Chinese nation, the requirements of the current society and the development of the times, the needs of building a harmonious society, and the cultivation of the excellent moral character of the university students in four aspects, which testified to the important position and function of the traditional virtue education in the college students' Education in the new period, and expounded the strengthening of the education of the traditional virtues of the college students in the new period. Necessity.
As the focus of this article, the fifth part of the paper mainly analyzes the Countermeasures of strengthening the traditional virtue education of college students in the new period, and puts forward that on the one hand, we should carry forward the national spirit and inherit the excellent culture of the Chinese traditional virtues, and on the other hand, combine the needs of the new era to develop the harmonious beauty of contemporary college students. De. Should firmly grasp the basic requirements of the traditional virtue education of college students in the new period, recognize the intrinsic essence of the traditional virtue education of college students, realize the sustainable development of the traditional virtue education of college students, clarify the purpose of the education of traditional virtue of college students, play the role of the traditional virtue education of college students and expand the traditional virtues of the college students in the new period. It is necessary for the educational affairs to make three overall plans: to co-ordinate the traditional virtue theory education and practice education of college students; to co-ordinate the goals and methods of the traditional virtues education for college students; to co-ordinate the internalization and externalization process, in order to strengthen the actual effect of the traditional virtue education of College students in all directions. The traditional virtue education of university students should join forces. We must urge the reform of traditional virtues education in Colleges and universities, improve the quality of traditional virtues education, and realize the leap of traditional virtue education.
The sixth part of the paper summarizes the full text. The traditional virtue education of college students in the new period is a long way to go. It is necessary to adhere to the basic position of the traditional virtue education of college students in moral education, and combine the traditional virtue education of college students with the ideological and moral education of college students so as to make the content of the ideological and moral education of the college students. More systematic, more pertinent and timeliness.


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