本文选题:马克思主义教育思想 + 民办高校 ; 参考:《延边大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:马克思主义教育思想是以马克思主义经典作家为代表,在长期对革命理论的研究和革命的实践中形成和发展的关于教育问题的观点、思想和学说的科学理论体系。它是被实践证明了的适合中国国情的教育思想,中国的教育要想又好又快的发展,必须要有这样一个先进理论进行指导,根据中国的实际情况制定出适合自己发展的路线。 民办高校承载者新中国改革开放以来人才培养的重任,它应对的是新时期、新特点下中国教育的更多的希望,它是在特定的历史时期出现的,具有时代性。民办高校要想更好的发挥自己的作用,必须要尽快融入到社会中,也要尽快的形成自身发展的特点,这都要依靠正确的教育思想的引导。任何新生事物的出现都面临着严峻的考验与残酷的竞争,民办高校也不例外,传统思想与自身的不足使得民办高校的发展困难重重,而马克思主义教育思想以其特有的理论高度始终正确的指引着民办高校的学生教育,教育教学质量的提高对于学校整体实力的提升是一个强有力的支持,始终坚持马克思主义教育思想不动摇是民办高校学生教育的根本准则。 马克思主义教育思想对民办高校的学生教育有着直接的指导,有着重要的意义:在宏观层面上,有利于教育体制改革的深化,中国的教育在马克思主义教育思想的指导下,可以更好、更快的发展,尽早的探索出适合中国特色发展之路;在中观层面上,它有利于学校自身发展,学校发展是教育体制改革的直接体现,民办高校在先进理论的指导下,办学宗旨、办学理念、办学方法等等方面都将会有所突破,会在高校的竞争中占据有利的地位,会迅速提升自身的实力;在微观层面上,有利于民办高校优秀师资队伍建设、有利于民办高校学生各种能力的培养、有利于民办高校学生自信心的培养、有利于民办高校学生就业优势的凸现、有利于民办高校内部改革的迅速完成。民办高校学生教育的确存在着一些问题,这也是高等教育大众化阶段必然出现的问题,这就需要我们用马克思主义教育思想这一先进的理论指导我们进行具体实践,早日探索出适合我国民办高校学生教育的切实可行的办法,更好的指导我国的教育。
[Abstract]:Marxist educational thought is a scientific theoretical system of educational problems formed and developed in the long term research on revolutionary theory and revolutionary practice, represented by Marxist classical writers. It is an educational thought that has been proved by practice to suit the national conditions of China. If China wants to develop well and quickly, it must have such an advanced theory to guide it and draw up a route suitable for its own development according to the actual situation of China. Since the reform and opening to the outside world, the private colleges and universities bear the heavy task of talent training, which deals with more hopes of Chinese education under the new era and new characteristics. It appears in a specific historical period and has the character of the times. If private colleges want to play their role better, they must be integrated into the society as soon as possible, and also form their own characteristics of development as soon as possible, which depends on the correct guidance of educational thought. The emergence of any new thing is faced with severe test and cruel competition, private colleges and universities are no exception, traditional ideas and their own shortcomings make the development of private colleges and universities difficult. The Marxist educational thought, with its unique theory, has always guided the students' education in private colleges and universities. The improvement of the quality of education and teaching is a strong support for the improvement of the overall strength of the school. Persisting in Marxist educational thought is the fundamental criterion of private college students' education all the time. Marxist educational thought has direct guidance on the education of students in private colleges and universities, which is of great significance: at the macro level, it is conducive to the deepening of the reform of the educational system, and China's education is guided by Marxist educational ideas. It can be better, faster to develop, and to explore as soon as possible a path suitable for the development of Chinese characteristics. At the meso level, it is conducive to the development of the school itself, and the development of the school is a direct embodiment of the reform of the educational system. Under the guidance of advanced theory, private colleges and universities are guided by advanced theories. There will be some breakthroughs in the purposes, concepts and methods of running schools, which will occupy a favorable position in the competition of colleges and universities, and will rapidly enhance their own strength; at the micro level, it will be conducive to the construction of excellent teachers in private colleges and universities. It is beneficial to the cultivation of various abilities of students in private colleges and universities, to the cultivation of self-confidence of students in private colleges and universities, to the protruding of the employment advantages of students in private colleges and universities, and to the rapid completion of the internal reform of private colleges and universities. There are indeed some problems in student education in private colleges and universities, which are inevitable problems in the stage of popularization of higher education. This requires us to use the advanced theory of Marxist educational thought to guide us in carrying out concrete practice. To find out a feasible method for the students' education in private colleges and universities, and to guide our country's education at an early date.
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