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发布时间:2018-06-20 16:21

  本文选题:高校 + 大学生 ; 参考:《北方工业大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:自上个世纪70年代以来,随着信息技术的广泛应用,尤其是计算机技术、多媒体技术和现代通讯技术的结合,给人们的生产和生活带来巨大便利的同时,也产生了很多新的信息伦理问题。传统的道德教育在信息时代的背景下受到了挑战,信息伦理教育正在成为道德教育之中的重要组成部分。在当今信息社会里,是否能有效地开展信息伦理教育,对于构建和谐信息伦理秩序起着关键的作用,而高校又是开展这项教育的重要领域。因此,研究高校信息伦理教育,了解高校大学生信息伦理状况及高校信息伦理教育状况,找出其存在的问题,提出相应的信息伦理教育对策,努力通过课堂教学及生活实践教育学生树立正确的信息伦理观念,并让大学生真正把信息伦理观念内化为自己的行动指南,对于提高大学生的信息伦理素养,进而提高全民的信息伦理素养,构建和谐的信息伦理秩序具有重要的意义。 本文从信息时代的信息伦理教育的基础理论入手,通过分析当前我国大学生信息伦理及其教育的现状,总结其存在的问题,结合问题提出加强大学生信息伦理教育的实践策略,最后对未来我国信息伦理教育研究做出展望,以期为我国高校信息伦理教育提供理论借鉴和实践指导。 全文共分为五部分:第一部分是引言,包括选题的提出,研究现状,研究的目的、方法、思路及创新点。第二部分是高校信息伦理教育的提出。主要介绍了高校信息伦理教育提出的背景,并对信息伦理教育的相关概念加以界定,最后分析加强高校信息伦理教育的必要性和意义。第三部分是对我国大学生的信息伦理及其教育的现状分析。首先对大学生对于信息伦理的基本认知,大学生的网络伦理以及大学生日常学习生活中的信息伦理等现状进行了基本分析;其次分析大学生对信息伦理教育必要性的认识状况,大学生的信息伦理教育的整体开展情况以及大学生的信息伦理教育的具体实施情况等。第四部分是加强我国高校信息伦理教育的实践策略。主要从信息伦理教育的观念、原则、内容和方式四方面提出相应的教育对策。第五部分是结语,对未来信息伦理教育研究的预测和展望,以便为我国以后信息伦理教育的研究和实践提供一些理论性的指导。
[Abstract]:Since the 1970s, with the wide application of information technology, especially the combination of computer technology, multimedia technology and modern communication technology, it has brought great convenience to people's production and life. There are also a lot of new information ethics issues. The traditional moral education is challenged under the background of the information age, and the information ethics education is becoming an important part of the moral education. In today's information society, whether or not we can effectively carry out information ethics education plays a key role in building a harmonious information ethics order, and colleges and universities are an important field to carry out this education. Therefore, to study the information ethics education in colleges and universities, to understand the information ethics status of college students and the information ethics education situation of colleges and universities, to find out the existing problems, and to put forward the corresponding information ethics education countermeasures. Through classroom teaching and life practice, students should be educated to set up correct information ethics concept, and make college students to internalize the information ethics concept as their own action guide, so as to improve the information ethics literacy of college students. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the information ethics literacy of the whole people and build a harmonious information ethics order. This paper starts with the basic theory of information ethics education in the information age, through analyzing the current situation of information ethics and education of college students in our country, summarizes the existing problems, and puts forward some practical strategies to strengthen the information ethics education of college students. Finally, the future research of information ethics education in China is prospected, in order to provide theoretical reference and practical guidance for information ethics education in colleges and universities in China. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, including the proposed topics, research status, research purposes, methods, ideas and innovations. The second part is the education of information ethics in colleges and universities. This paper mainly introduces the background of information ethics education in colleges and universities, defines the related concepts of information ethics education, and finally analyzes the necessity and significance of strengthening information ethics education in colleges and universities. The third part is to analyze the present situation of information ethics and education of college students in our country. First of all, it analyzes the basic cognition of information ethics, the network ethics of college students and the current situation of information ethics in college students' daily study. Secondly, it analyzes the understanding of the necessity of information ethics education among college students. The overall development of the information ethics education of college students and the specific implementation of the information ethics education of college students and so on. The fourth part is to strengthen the practice strategy of information ethics education in colleges and universities of our country. This paper puts forward the corresponding educational countermeasures from four aspects of the concept, principle, content and mode of information ethics education. The fifth part is the conclusion, the prediction and prospect of the future information ethics education research, in order to provide some theoretical guidance for the future information ethics education research and practice in our country.


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