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发布时间:2018-06-21 15:52

  本文选题:大学生 + 传统孝道 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:孝道是我国的优秀的传统美德,是中华民族最珍视的品质之一,是每个人都应该具有的德行。孝道不仅仅是家庭中晚辈与长辈相处时晚辈应该遵循的道德规范以及所表现出来的美德,它还延伸到政治领域、经济领域等,因此,孝道不但对提高个人的道德素养,,培养其对家庭、社会及国家的责任感起到重大的作用,而且对于协调家庭及社会关系,维持社会秩序稳定起到积极的作用。 现代的学生是我国社会发展的主体,他们肩负着管理国家和建设国家的双重任,是国家和民族的希望。从总体上来看,大部分学生有着浓厚的和科学的孝道观念,能做到善事父母,关爱他人,忠于祖国,有较强的社会责任感,但是少数大学生由于家庭、个人及社会等因素,出现了敬老意识淡薄,社会责任感不强,孝道观念缺失的现象。我国正在努力建设社会主义和谐社会,呼唤孝道的回归和弘扬社会主义新孝道,因此加强大学生孝道教育从而提高大学生道德素质,强化大学社会责任感,引导其形成奉献精神成为需要迫切解决的问题。培养大学生孝道不是一蹴而就的,是一个长期而又艰巨的任务,需要调动一切可以调动的力量,将学校教育、家庭教育、政府主导以及自我教育有机结合起来,营造良好的孝道氛围。与此同时,伴随家庭的变化、社会的发展,怎样培养大学生孝道观念的理论和措施也应随之不断的分析、探讨和深入。 因此,本文对中国传统孝道内涵理论进行了梳理并将其与现代孝道相比较,从现代大学生孝道缺失的现状入手,全面而深入分析大学生传统孝道缺失的主要原因,针对原因对部分大学生孝道思想的重建的途径进行了一定的分析与讨论。
[Abstract]:Filial piety is an excellent traditional virtue of our country and one of the most cherished qualities of the Chinese nation. Filial piety is not only the moral code and virtue that the younger generation should follow when they get along with their elders in the family, but also extends to the political and economic fields. Therefore, filial piety not only improves the moral quality of the individual, The cultivation of its sense of responsibility to the family, society and country plays an important role in coordinating family and social relations and maintaining social order and stability. Modern students are the main body of social development in our country. They shoulder the dual responsibility of managing the country and building the country, which is the hope of the country and the nation. Generally speaking, most students have a strong and scientific concept of filial piety, can do good to parents, care for others, loyal to the motherland, have a strong sense of social responsibility, but a few college students because of family, personal and social factors, There is a weak sense of respect for the elderly, social responsibility is not strong, lack of filial piety. China is striving to build a harmonious socialist society, calling for the return of filial piety and carrying forward the new filial piety of socialism. Therefore, we should strengthen the education of filial piety among college students so as to improve their moral quality and strengthen their sense of social responsibility. Guiding it to form the spirit of dedication has become an urgent problem to be solved. The cultivation of filial piety among college students is not accomplished overnight, but is a long-term and arduous task. We need to mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized to combine school education, family education, government leadership and self-education. Create a good atmosphere of filial piety. At the same time, with the changes of family and the development of society, the theory and measures of how to cultivate the concept of filial piety of college students should be analyzed, discussed and deepened. Therefore, this paper combs the connotation theory of Chinese traditional filial piety and compares it with the modern filial piety, starting with the present situation of the lack of filial piety of modern college students, and comprehensively and deeply analyzes the main reasons of the lack of traditional filial piety of college students. This paper analyzes and discusses the ways to reconstruct the filial piety thought of some college students.


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