发布时间:2018-07-07 19:47
本文选题:高校大学生 + 弱势群体 ; 参考:《中南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:在社会主义初级阶段,尤其在社会转轨时期,由于社会保障体系不健全等复杂因素,社会上出现了分配不公、乃至两级分化现象。一石激起千层浪,社会上的风必然激起大学校园里的浪。随着社会上农民工、下岗工人、残疾人、农村留守儿童、服刑人员未成年子女等弱势群体的大量出现,校园里也出现了大学生弱势群体。在他们之中,呈现出经济弱势群体、学习弱势群体、能力弱势群体、交际弱势群体、身体弱势群体等形形色色的弱势群体(之中有交叉)。 文章将形形色色弱势群体的外在表现仅作为研究问题的逻辑起点,文章的研究重点在于对精神弱势的研究。这就涉及到一个复杂情况:精神弱势之人其背后必定有弱势之处(犹如可伶之人必有可恨之处),但反过来讲,有弱势之处不一定就是精神弱势之人。这是因为,在具体弱势和精神弱势之间存在着中介,这一中介的具体内容包括:教育、环境、家庭、社会阅历、个人意志品质等。中介的良莠,关系到具体弱势与精神弱势的趋同程度:不良的中介,会使二者极易趋同,即由某一个方面的弱势之人不知不觉地就演变成精神弱势之人;良好的中介,则会使大学生弱势群体卧薪尝胆、将坏事变成好事,即以弱势条件激励自己的上进,而避免向精神弱势演变。 社会主义核心价值观教育,不仅能阻止大学生弱势群体由具体弱势滑向精神弱势,而且能在精神不倒的意志力作用下改变弱势。这是因为,社会主义核心价值观能为大学生弱势群体“立向”、“立志”、“立势”和“立人”指明方向和道路。具体来说,在社会主义市场条件下,社会主义核心价值观能使大学生弱势群体“人穷志不短”,并在学习和实践中不断将自己打造成一个有本事、有抱负、有骨气、有品味的社会主义可靠接班人和合格建设者。 本文的论证逻辑思路是:首先从大学生弱势群体核心价值观教育的定义、目标、理论依据、标准、核心、特点和意义入手阐述,为全文的展开做好铺垫。其次,列举了大学生弱势群体核心价值观教育存在的种种问题,并顺藤摸瓜,找出了由于该教育的失误而引发出来的受教育者问题。并此基础上,深入分析了大学生弱势群体核心价值观教育存在问题的主客观根源。这是全文的提出问题和分析问题,为最终解决问题铺路。再次,文章明确地提出了大学生弱势群体核心价值观培养的内容——灌输“马列主义”、建树“共同理想”、激励“两种精神”、明辨“八荣八耻”。这是文章的核心,是解决大学生精神弱势的根本和良药。最后,文章提出了大学生弱势群体核心价值观教育的原则——以人为本原则、循循善诱原则、目标责任原则、与时俱进原则以及实施方案——高扬“马列主义”,从战略高度看弱势群问题;围绕“共同理想”,做到教育与实践密切结合,弘扬“两种精神”,建立起疏通心理负荷渠道,遵循“八荣八耻”,创建良好的校园文化氛围。这是按客观规律解决问题的具体操作部分,是全文的出发点和归宿点。
[Abstract]:In the primary stage of socialism , especially during the period of social transformation , due to the complicated factors such as imperfect social security system , the phenomenon of unequal distribution and even two - stage differentiation appeared in society .
This article focuses on the study of mental weakness . This is because there is an intermediary between the weak and the weak . This is because there is an intermediary between the weak and the weak . This is because there is an intermediary between the weak and the weak .
A good intermediary will make the disadvantaged group of the college students stay on the salary , and turn bad things into good things , that is , to motivate their own progress with the weak conditions , and to avoid the evolution of the mental weakness .
The core values of socialism can not only prevent the disadvantaged groups of college students from slipping into the mental weakness by the specific weakness , but also change the weakness under the influence of mental retardation . This is because the socialist core values can make the disadvantaged groups of the college students " upright " , " vertical " , " vertical " and " upright " .
Based on the definition , goal , theoretical basis , standard , core , characteristics and significance of the core values education of the disadvantaged groups of college students , the author points out the problems of the core values education of college students .
Based on the " common ideal " , the education and practice are closely combined to carry forward the " two spirits " , establish the channels of dredging the psychological load , follow the " eight honor and eight shame " , create a good campus cultural atmosphere . This is the concrete operation part of solving the problem according to the objective law , which is the starting point and the final point of the full text .
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