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发布时间:2018-08-16 07:48
【摘要】:胡锦涛在2010年全国教育工作会议上指出:“教育大计,教师为本。”教师不仅是知识的重要传播者和创造者,更是青少年学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。当代高校青年教师是高校教师中的重要群体,其思想状况、精神境界、专业素质、价值观等对我国高等教育的发展有着非常重要的影响。随着经济全球化的迅速发展和改革开放的不断深入,大量外来价值观的涌入使高校青年教师的主导价值观受到多方面的冲击。因此,在新时期引导当代高校青年教师树立正确的价值观,就成为一个特别重要的课题。 本文以马克思主义理论为指导,坚持理论联系实际的原则,立足于当前我国社会的实际,从高校青年价值观的现状入手,对高校青年教师价值观存在的问题及原因进行深入分析和多方面研究,以达到对高校青年教师价值观的正确把握,并提出加强当代高校青年教师价值观教育的对策。论文共分为四大部分。 第一部分,对论文进行文献综述,阐述研究的意义。 第二部分,剖析高校青年教师价值观的基本理论问题。对高校青年教师价值观基本概念的准确把握,是进一步探求高校青年教师价值观问题的前提。论文分析了价值观以及高校青年教师价值观的内涵,并在此基础之上,从政治价值观、道德价值观、人生价值观、职业价值观和知识价值观等角度提出新时期对高校青年教师价值观的新要求,并阐述了加强高校青年教师价值观教育的重要意义。 第三部分,研究分析高校青年教师价值观的现状及存在问题的原因。认真梳理当前高校青年教师价值观的积极表现、存在的问题及原因,对于我们在新时期加强高校青年教师价值观研究具有重要意义。论文从政治价值观、道德价值观、人生价值观等方面分析当前高校青年教师价值观积极表现,从个人主义价值倾向、理想价值追求于现实价值追求、物质价值观与精神价值观等角度分析高校青年教师价值观面临的问题,以及从市场经济和社会转型带来的负面影响、西方价值观的冲击、高校对青年教师价值观教育的重视程度、高校教师自身的缺陷等方面分析阐述了高校青年教师价值观面临问题的原因。 第四部分,研究高校青年教师价值观教育对策。论文从教育理念、教育内容、教育方法和教育环境四个方面对高校青年教师价值观教育的对策进行了分析和研究。提出了用以人为本、终身教育的理念进一步提升高校青年教师价值观教育理念;以社会主义核心价值体系教育、马克思主义价值观教育等丰富教育内容;以理论联系实际相结合、教育引导和自我塑造相结合等完善教育方法;以优化学校政策环境、教师工作环境、学术环境和教师生活环境来改进价值观教育环境。
[Abstract]:Hu Jintao said at the 2010 National Conference on Education: "Teachers are the key to education." Teachers are not only important disseminators and creators of knowledge, but also guides and guides for the healthy growth of young students. Young teachers in contemporary colleges and universities are an important group of university teachers. Their ideological status, spiritual state, professional quality and values have a very important impact on the development of higher education in China. With the rapid development of economic globalization and the deepening of reform and opening up, the influx of a large number of foreign values has impacted the dominant values of young teachers in colleges and universities. Therefore, guiding young college teachers to set up correct values in the new era has become a particularly important subject. Under the guidance of Marxist theory, this paper adheres to the principle of integrating theory with practice, and bases itself on the reality of our society at present, starting with the present situation of the values of youth in colleges and universities. This paper makes a thorough analysis and research on the problems and causes of the values of young teachers in colleges and universities in order to correctly grasp the values of young teachers in colleges and universities, and puts forward some countermeasures to strengthen the education of the values of young teachers in colleges and universities. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part, the literature review of the paper, the significance of the study. The second part analyzes the basic theoretical problems of the values of young teachers in colleges and universities. The accurate understanding of the basic concept of the values of young teachers in colleges and universities is the premise of further exploring the problems of the values of young teachers in colleges and universities. The paper analyzes the connotation of the values of the young college teachers, and on this basis, from the political values, moral values, values of life, This paper puts forward the new requirements for the values of young college teachers in the new period from the angles of professional values and knowledge values, and expounds the important significance of strengthening the education of the values of young teachers in colleges and universities. In the third part, the author analyzes the present situation and the reasons of the problems of the young teachers' values in colleges and universities. It is of great significance for us to strengthen the study of the values of young teachers in colleges and universities in the new period by carefully combing the positive performance, existing problems and reasons of the values of young teachers in colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the positive performance of the values of young college teachers from the aspects of political values, moral values, life values, and so on, from the individualism value tendency, the ideal value pursuit to the realistic value pursuit. From the perspective of material values and spiritual values, this paper analyzes the problems faced by young college teachers' values, the negative effects brought about by market economy and social transformation, and the impact of western values. This paper analyzes the reasons for the problems faced by young teachers' values in colleges and universities in terms of the degree of attention to the value education of young teachers and the defects of the teachers themselves. The fourth part, studies the university young teacher value education countermeasure. This paper analyzes and studies the countermeasures of the value education of young teachers in colleges and universities from four aspects: educational idea, educational content, educational method and educational environment. This paper puts forward the idea of "people-oriented and lifelong education" to further promote the concept of value education for young teachers in colleges and universities, and to enrich the educational contents of socialist core value system education, Marxist value education and so on. In order to improve the educational environment of values, we should combine theory with practice, guide education with self-shaping, optimize school policy environment, teachers' working environment, academic environment and teachers' living environment.


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