[Abstract]:The model of employee competence quality refers to the model formed by combining the main qualities required by a certain (class) post. Every enterprise regards the realization of business objectives as the primary goal of its struggle. Any strategic planning and implementation process in an enterprise should support the realization of business objectives, in order to better help the enterprise to find suitable personnel to complete its business objectives, and at the same time to provide a positive impetus for the future development of the enterprise. More and more enterprises begin to attach importance to the role of employee competency model, and actively establish and develop competency quality model within the enterprise, because on the other hand, through the use of employee competency model, The personnel inside the enterprise will also get the development and the cultivation of the individual related ability. In the competitive market, enterprises must form their own core competitiveness, the realization of the core competitiveness of enterprises must rely on a group of ideal, aspiring, core ability employees. Therefore, the core competence of employees plays a vital role in the realization of the core competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises should find out the most helpful behavior and ability to the business results through scientific methods. Then the corresponding ability is set up and cultivated in a planned way, and the model of employee competence quality is set up to understand what kind of staff is more suitable for the survival and development of the enterprise, and to support the survival and development of the enterprise. With the increasing and rapid development of private colleges and universities in our country, the competition and survival pressure of private colleges and universities are becoming increasingly fierce. As we all know, the competition of enterprises is essentially the competition of talents. This paper takes C College as an example. C College wants to seek long-term sustainable development in the same industry of private colleges and universities, practice its own idea of running a school, and achieve a predetermined goal of running a school. We must realize that the construction and training of teachers plays an important role in the future development of the school. How to recruit, train, promote and examine teachers is a problem that puzzles the managers of many private colleges and universities. The model of employee post quality can provide effective support for enterprises in many aspects, such as recruitment, assessment and promotion of staff. And quality model has been widely used and recognized at home and abroad. In this paper, we discuss the competency model of the key position staff in College C, and try to help the College to find the factors which are related to the personal quality of the staff and which can help the college to improve its performance. To understand how to build and cultivate such ability in a planned way, finally to set up the competency quality model of key positions, to establish a set of benchmarking reference system, at the same time, to establish a training system based on employee quality model.
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