[Abstract]:Gratitude is an important part of College Students'moral quality. Whether they have good gratitude quality is directly related to their attitude towards study, life, future work and society, the formation of their world outlook, values and outlook on life, the overall development of College students, the harmonious development of University campus, and higher education. Thanksgiving education for college students is an effective way to improve their gratitude quality. Therefore, Thanksgiving Education for college students should be an important part of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities. Students'gratitude education still has some tendentious practical problems in the aspects of educational concept, educational content, educational methods and curriculum construction, and innovation is the motive force to solve these problems.
On April 24, 2011, in his speech celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Tsinghua University, General Secretary Hu Jintao stressed that universities should actively promote collaborative innovation while "actively promoting original innovation, integrating innovation and introducing the ability of digestion, absorption and re-innovation". From the perspective of the nature of synergetic innovation, we need to penetrate synergetic innovation into all aspects of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction, which of course also includes college students'gratitude education, an important part of cultural construction. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the concept innovation, content innovation, method innovation and curriculum innovation of College Students'gratitude education with the main line of collaborative innovation.
The first chapter defines the etymology of thanksgiving, the concept of Thanksgiving in ancient China, the concept of Thanksgiving in Western society, and the scientific connotation of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving education is of great value to improve the gratitude accomplishment of college students and promote their all-round development, to build a safe and harmonious campus and to promote the sustainable development of colleges and universities.
The second chapter of this paper analyzes the current situation of College Students'Thanksgiving education. Firstly, it discusses the importance of Thanksgiving Education in Colleges and universities, the basic formation of family-school-community Thanksgiving Education system, the gradual embodiment of the effect of thanksgiving education and the in-depth study of Thanksgiving education. Then it points out that there are still many problems in college students'Thanksgiving education, such as educational concept, educational content, educational methods and curriculum construction, which are mainly manifested in the inaccurate grasp of the concept of College Students' Thanksgiving education, the obsolete lack of content of College Students'Thanksgiving education, the superficial and single form of College Students' Thanksgiving education, the feeling of College students. It also points out that the causes of the problems in gratitude education for college students can be summarized as the induction of social negative factors, the induction of school negative factors, the induction of family negative factors and the induction of individual negative factors.
In the third chapter, the author puts forward the concrete path to promote the gratitude education for college students from the angle of synergetic innovation.First, the author points out that the introduction of the concept of synergetic innovation is based on the complexity and comprehensiveness of the gratitude education for college students in the aspects of educational object and educational environment. On this basis, this paper discusses the basic principles of implementing the cooperative innovation of gratitude education for college students, that is, people-oriented principle, practical principle, the principle of keeping pace with the times, and the principle of seeking truth from facts. It involves the innovation of a series of concepts, such as the essence of Thanksgiving education, the purpose of Thanksgiving education, the value of Thanksgiving education, the process of thanksgiving education and the development of Thanksgiving education. Innovation, content innovation of Thanksgiving Alma mater, content innovation of Thanksgiving party and country, and content innovation of Thanksgiving nature. In the innovation of thanksgiving education methods for college students, it involves the innovation of theory education method, practice education method, typical education method, and encourages the innovation of education law and self-education law. The innovation of education curriculum involves two parts: explicit curriculum innovation and hidden curriculum innovation.
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