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发布时间:2018-09-14 13:07
【摘要】:从1999年扩招到现在,我国教育已经从精英化教育转变为大众化教育。作为长周期行业的高等教育市场也逐步进入成熟期。在此背景下,未来5-8年高校将经历从外延式发展到全面提升质量的内涵式发展阶段。 随着适龄人口的持续下降和有限的毛入学率提高空间,人们对高等院校外在需求总体显现平稳态势。在此过程中,一些规模小、质量低的院校将不得不面临生存问题。大多数地方高校面对未来生源竞争,不得不进行持续有效的质量提升建设,以适应不断变化的环境。 为了实现高校的科学持续发展,一般高校基本采用了三步走战略:满足高校学生的物理要求(实现校区的重新功能规划和建设、教学设备的完善)——满足高校学生的质量要求(如不断提升学科建设和专业师资能力等)——满足高校社会声誉要求(合作办学,社会培训、科研成果等),,而绝大多数高校处于第一步到第二步的推进过程中。三步走战略的实现离不开资金保障,而因为在校生未来保持总体稳定,高校学费也基本不变导致未来几年高校的学费收入将基本保持不变,而财政拨款虽然不断提高但对教育的投入将主要集中在义务教育和学前教育的增长上。面对未来的竞争,各高校需要大量的资金支持。 在过去的十年多数高校主要通过银行贷款的方式实现了高校跨越式发展,并通过经济杠杠作用使高校的成就被社会普遍认可。未来高校的经营也极有可能依靠高校自身解决,这更加需要高校管理者需将高校财务规划放在更加重要的位置。不断提升高校的融资渠道和融资能力是加速高校发展的必由之路,也是服务高校内涵建设的强有力保障。 融资租赁作为新兴的融资方式,在近年有着飞速的发展。融资租赁通过金融加产业的独特专业运作模式成功进入高校市场。高校在现有发展阶段下如何运用融资租赁?融资租赁如何在高校市场建立独特的产品服务?本文将通过融资租赁与其他金融产品的对比及案例分析进行详细阐述,分析如何科学合理地进行产品设计和财务预测,并建立高校财务风险的预防机制,以实现融资租赁在高校的健康持续发展。
[Abstract]:From 1999 to now, China's education has changed from elite education to popular education. As a long-term industry, the higher education market has gradually entered a mature period. In this context, colleges and universities in the next 5 to 8 years will go through the stage of connotation development from extension to overall improvement of quality. With the continuous decline of the school-age population and the limited increase of the gross enrolment rate, the external demand for colleges and universities shows a stable trend. In the process, some small, low-quality colleges will have to face the problem of survival. Facing the competition of future students, most local colleges and universities have to carry on continuous and effective quality improvement construction to adapt to the changing environment. In order to realize the scientific and sustainable development of colleges and universities, the general colleges and universities have basically adopted a three-step strategy: to meet the physical requirements of college students (to realize the re-functional planning and construction of the campus, The improvement of teaching equipment-to meet the quality requirements of college students (such as continuously improving the subject construction and professional teachers' ability, etc.)-to meet the social reputation requirements of colleges and universities (cooperation in running schools, social training, etc.), Most colleges and universities are in the process of advancing from the first step to the second step. The realization of the three-step strategy cannot be achieved without the guarantee of funds, and because the future of college students remains generally stable, the tuition fees of colleges and universities will remain basically unchanged in the next few years, and the tuition fees of colleges and universities will remain basically unchanged in the next few years. But the investment in education will focus on the growth of compulsory education and preschool education. In the face of future competition, colleges and universities need a lot of financial support. In the past ten years, most colleges and universities have realized the leap-forward development mainly by the way of bank loans, and their achievements have been generally recognized by the society through the role of economic bars. The management of colleges and universities in the future is likely to depend on their own solutions, which requires university administrators to put the financial planning of colleges and universities in a more important position. It is the only way to accelerate the development of colleges and universities to continuously improve their financing channels and ability, and it is also a strong guarantee to serve the construction of connotation of colleges and universities. As a new financing method, financial lease has been developing rapidly in recent years. Financial leasing has successfully entered the university market through the unique professional operation mode of finance plus industry. How do colleges and universities use financial leasing in the current stage of development? How to establish unique products and Services in the University Market by Financial Lease? Through the comparison of financial leasing and other financial products and case analysis, this paper will elaborate in detail how to scientifically and reasonably carry out product design and financial forecast, and establish the prevention mechanism of financial risk in colleges and universities. In order to achieve the healthy and sustainable development of financial leasing in colleges and universities.


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