[Abstract]:Ideological and political education in colleges and universities must keep pace with the times, under the guidance of the scientific development view, closely combining the new characteristics of moral education of college students and the new requirements of social development, we should actively explore the new contents of ideological and political education of college students under the new situation. The education of "four students", which takes students' life, survival, life and ecology as the content, is a kind of education mode which fully embodies "people-oriented" under the new situation. This new educational model can help college students to establish a correct world outlook. Outlook on life and values, so that they really become the new period of the country and society needs qualified personnel. "four students" education is an important part of modern ideological and political education. It embodies the epochal nature of ideological and political education content and embodies the concretization of ideological and political education goal, which is the expansion of individual function of ideological and political education. To strengthen the education of "four students" is the need of social development, the concrete embodiment of carrying out the scientific development view, the need of the healthy growth of contemporary college students, and the inevitable requirement of realizing social harmony. The education of "four students" is a kind of brand-new educational idea and practice. It embodies the essence of education and the inherent requirement of educational law in the whole process of educational practice. It is a people-centered, comprehensive and systematic education. "four students" education is life education, survival education, life education and ecological education. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part introduces the background, significance, domestic and international literature review, research content and research methods. The second part introduces the status and function of the four-student education in modern ideological and political education. Through the research, it is found that the education of "four students" is the objective demand of constructing harmonious society and the objective requirement of the healthy growth of college students. The third part introduces the scientific connotation and theoretical basis of the four-student education, and briefly introduces its characteristics. The fourth part introduces the construction of four-student education content. The education of responsibility of life, the education of survival ability, the education of quality of life and the education of cultivating ecological quality are analyzed. The fifth part studies the present situation of four students' education of contemporary college students. And according to the analysis of the reason why the four students education is not ideal, the author puts forward the corresponding reason analysis. The sixth part is about how to strengthen the four-student education of contemporary college students. This part introduces the guiding principles of strengthening the education of "four students". And on this basis, put forward to strengthen the "four students" education multi-dimensional strategy.
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