[Abstract]:The view of life is a fundamental view on the meaning and value of life, and an important part of a person's world outlook and outlook on life. Whether the contemporary college students have the correct view of life will not only affect their own quality of life, but also determine the realization of their life value, and will also affect the healthy development of the socialist harmonious society. However, in recent years, the number of college students who hurt and ignore life has increased gradually, which has brought incalculable losses to individuals, families and society. Therefore, to strengthen the education of college students' view of life is not only an important theoretical issue to be studied, but also an urgent practical problem faced by colleges and universities. Based on the investigation of the views on life and education of some college students in five universities in Wuhan, this paper expounds the view of life and the education of life of college students in five aspects. Firstly, the author points out the theoretical and practical significance of carrying out the education of college students' view of life, and points out the importance of constructing the educational system of college students' view of life. Secondly, through the analysis of the definition, types and characteristics of life, this paper sums up the relevant theories of life view education, and expounds the connotation of college students' view of life education from the point of view of life individual demand. Thirdly, combined with Maslow's demand theory, this paper probes into the principles, objectives and contents of life view education from the perspective of individual needs of college students. Fourthly, through the statistical analysis of the college students' view of life and its educational questionnaire, this paper clarifies the view of college students' view of life and the present situation of education, points out the misunderstanding existing in the view of college students' view of life and the main problems existing in the education of college students' view of life. And further analyze the social, school, family and personal causes of these problems. Fifthly, through the study of the different environment of college students' view of life education, this paper probes into the implementing ways of society, family, school and individual to carry out the education of view of life. The research on the education of contemporary college students' view of life is conducive to the establishment of a positive and optimistic view of life, which is of great significance not only to promote the healthy growth and development of college students, but also to realize their self-worth. It also provides a scientific basis for the education of life concept and the perfection of life outlook education system in colleges and universities.
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