发布时间:2018-12-15 18:00
【摘要】:本文以我国高等教育发展现状为背景,通过对现行高等教育投入体制的分析,总结出目前因为投入体制单一、筹融资渠道开源乏力等原因导致教育经费长期短缺这一制约我国高等教育长远发展的现实问题。在对国际教育资本介入我国高等教育领域的必要性和可行性进行充分论证之后,得出当前国际教育资本的投资寻利需求使得我国高等教育引入国际教育资本的可操作性大大增加。随后,通过对我国引入国际教育资本的制度环境进行客观、全面的分析,找出了目前制度环境存在的问题和不足之处。最后,结合高等教育开放性发展趋势的预判和国际相关经验的借鉴,提出了完善和优化当前制度环境的对策和建议。 本文主体分为六章:第一章是绪论,在实证调研和文献综述的基础之上解析本文的研究背景和意义,并指出文章的研究目标、研究方法、研究思路和技术路线以及创新点等。第二章是本文的理论基础,对文章中用到的相关概念和理论做出梳理和界定。第三章则深入研究与分析当前我国高等教育投入体制以及引入国际教育资本的现状和出现的问题。第四章是引入国际教育资本的法律环境研究,旨在对我国加入WTO做出的相关承诺、当前已出台的法律法规和国家十二五规划做出深入的分析。第五章是国际经验的借鉴,,介绍马来西亚和英国在相关方面的应对之法。第六章则结合我国目前出现的实际问题,以公共产品理论、新制度经济学的制度变迁理论等为理论依据,提出在当前时期转变观念、树立新的投入理念、健全相关政策法规、推动制度创新和改革等一系列解决问题的思路。
[Abstract]:Based on the background of the development of higher education in China and the analysis of the current investment system of higher education, this paper concludes that the input system is unitary. The lack of funding channels leads to the shortage of education funds for a long time, which restricts the long-term development of higher education in China. After fully demonstrating the necessity and feasibility of international educational capital's involvement in the field of higher education in China, It is concluded that the current demand for investment and profit seeking of international educational capital makes the maneuverability of introducing international educational capital into higher education of our country greatly increase. Then, through an objective and comprehensive analysis of the institutional environment in which international educational capital is introduced into our country, the problems and shortcomings of the present institutional environment are found out. Finally, combined with the forecast of the opening development trend of higher education and the reference of relevant international experience, the author puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect and optimize the current institutional environment. The main body of this paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction. Based on the empirical research and literature review, this paper analyzes the research background and significance, and points out the research objectives, research methods, research ideas and technical routes, as well as innovation points. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of this paper, the relevant concepts and theories used in the article to make a comb and definition. The third chapter deeply studies and analyzes the current situation and problems of China's higher education investment system and the introduction of international educational capital. The fourth chapter is the introduction of international education capital legal environment research, aimed at China's accession to the WTO made the relevant commitments, the current laws and regulations and national 12th Five-Year Plan to make a thorough analysis. The fifth chapter is the reference of international experience, introducing Malaysia and Britain in the relevant aspects of the response. The sixth chapter, based on the theory of public goods and the theory of institutional change of new institutional economics, proposes to change ideas, establish new input ideas, and improve relevant policies and regulations in the current period, based on the actual problems that have emerged in our country, such as the theory of public goods and the theory of institutional change of new institutional economics. Promote system innovation and reform and a series of ideas to solve the problem.
[Abstract]:Based on the background of the development of higher education in China and the analysis of the current investment system of higher education, this paper concludes that the input system is unitary. The lack of funding channels leads to the shortage of education funds for a long time, which restricts the long-term development of higher education in China. After fully demonstrating the necessity and feasibility of international educational capital's involvement in the field of higher education in China, It is concluded that the current demand for investment and profit seeking of international educational capital makes the maneuverability of introducing international educational capital into higher education of our country greatly increase. Then, through an objective and comprehensive analysis of the institutional environment in which international educational capital is introduced into our country, the problems and shortcomings of the present institutional environment are found out. Finally, combined with the forecast of the opening development trend of higher education and the reference of relevant international experience, the author puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect and optimize the current institutional environment. The main body of this paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction. Based on the empirical research and literature review, this paper analyzes the research background and significance, and points out the research objectives, research methods, research ideas and technical routes, as well as innovation points. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of this paper, the relevant concepts and theories used in the article to make a comb and definition. The third chapter deeply studies and analyzes the current situation and problems of China's higher education investment system and the introduction of international educational capital. The fourth chapter is the introduction of international education capital legal environment research, aimed at China's accession to the WTO made the relevant commitments, the current laws and regulations and national 12th Five-Year Plan to make a thorough analysis. The fifth chapter is the reference of international experience, introducing Malaysia and Britain in the relevant aspects of the response. The sixth chapter, based on the theory of public goods and the theory of institutional change of new institutional economics, proposes to change ideas, establish new input ideas, and improve relevant policies and regulations in the current period, based on the actual problems that have emerged in our country, such as the theory of public goods and the theory of institutional change of new institutional economics. Promote system innovation and reform and a series of ideas to solve the problem.
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