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  本文关键词: 内蒙古地区 民族教育 蒙语授课中小学 办学效益 均衡发展 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 内蒙古自治区成立于1947年,是我国最早成立的少数民族自治区,也是我国最早实施双语教学实践的民族区域自治地方。自治区成立近60年来,内蒙古地区民族基础教育事业得到了快速发展,取得了世人瞩目的巨大成绩。进入新的历史时期,随着社会的进步和市场经济体制的确立,内蒙古地区的民族基础教育面临了新的挑战,出现了许多新的问题和困难。特别是在现阶段,蒙语授课基础教育的发展已经明显落后于区内同类汉族教育和区外发达地区的教育,甚至出现了逐步衰退的趋势。近年来,区内外专家、学者从自然环境、文化传统、教学改革、“双语”、“三语”教学实践等诸多具体领域入手,对内蒙古地区蒙语授课基础教育的发展状况做了大量卓有成效的研究,产生了良好的社会效果。笔者在虚心学习学者们的研究成果的基础上,对当前内蒙古地区蒙语授课基础教育所面临的严峻挑战及存在的主要问题进行了进一步的系统研究。本文采用统计分析法、比较法、调查法、文献法、归纳法等研究方法,对内蒙古地区蒙语授课基础教育存在的问题及其原因进行了深入分析。通过分析笔者认为,办学理念落后、教育投入短缺、学校布局不合理、资源配置不均、质量效益低、生源流失严重等问题是当前内蒙古地区民族基础教育滞后发展的主要原因。同时本文对内蒙古地区民族基础教育滞后发展所带来的负面影响进行了深入探讨,并结合跨越式发展、均衡发展、可持续发展、现代化发展等理念,提出了促进蒙语授课基础教育发展的应对措施。期望能给内蒙古自治区教育主管部门抓住西部大开发和建设社会主义新农村牧区的有利时机,改革和发展蒙语授课基础教育提供决策依据。
[Abstract]:Established in 1947, Inner Mongolia Autonomous region is the earliest ethnic minority autonomous region in China, and is also the earliest ethnic regional autonomous region in China to implement bilingual teaching practice. The Autonomous region has been established for nearly 60 years. The cause of national basic education in Inner Mongolia has developed rapidly and made great achievements in the world. In the new historical period, with the progress of society and the establishment of market economy system. The basic education of nationalities in Inner Mongolia is faced with new challenges, and many new problems and difficulties have appeared, especially at the present stage. The development of basic education in Mongolian teaching has obviously lagged behind the education of the Han nationality in the same region and the education in the developed areas outside the region, even showing a trend of gradual decline. In recent years, experts and scholars in and out of the region have started from the natural environment. Cultural tradition, teaching reform, "bilingual", "three languages" teaching practice and many other specific areas, the Mongolian teaching basic education in Inner Mongolia region of the development of a large number of fruitful research. On the basis of the results of the study of the modest learning scholars. This paper makes a further systematic study on the severe challenges and main problems existing in Mongolian basic education in Inner Mongolia. This paper adopts statistical analysis method, comparative method, investigation method and literature method. Induction and other research methods, this paper deeply analyzes the problems and causes of Mongolian teaching basic education in Inner Mongolia. The author thinks that the idea of running a school is backward and the education investment is short. The distribution of school is unreasonable, the allocation of resources is uneven, and the quality benefit is low. The main reason for the lagging development of basic education in Inner Mongolia is the serious loss of students. At the same time, the negative effects of the lagging development of basic education for nationalities in Inner Mongolia are discussed in depth. Combined with the concept of leapfrog development, balanced development, sustainable development, modern development and so on. This paper puts forward some countermeasures to promote the development of Mongolian teaching and basic education. It is hoped that the education department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region will seize the favorable opportunity for the development of the western region and the construction of a new socialist countryside and pastoral area. Reform and development of Mongolian teaching basic education to provide the basis for decision-making.


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