本文选题:广播电视大学 切入点:内部 出处:《湖南师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:成立于1978年的广播电视大学在近30年办学中取得了显著成绩。为基层培养了大批应用型人才,在提高国民素质、推进教育公平方面做出了重大贡献,加快了我国高等教育大众化进程。但在发展过程中也产生了不少问题,如机构臃肿,应变能力不强,教学质量下降等等。其中管理体制是一个阻碍发展提高的根本性问题,所有其它问题都与管理体制密切相关。大学管理体制既包括大学内部的管理体制,又包括大学外部的管理体制,本文只研究广播电视大学的内部管理体制。通过研究广播电视大学的内部管理体制,找出完善其体制的措施和方法,从而更好地促进广播电视大学健康持续和谐的发展。 文章先介绍了本课题的研究背景及其意义,回顾了国内外该领域的研究成果,并介绍了本研究所采用的研究方法。 接着文章具体介绍了广播电视大学内部管理体制的主要特点,具体分析了广播电视大学系统管理的特点以及单个电大内部管理的特点。广播电视大学系统管理的特点主要包括电大系统的分级办学、分级管理的管理体制,以及电大系统的课程管理,学籍管理,教学管理的特点。同时具体介绍了单个电大即每个具体的办学实体内部的管理特点。 然后具体分析了广播电视大学管理体制中存在的问题。这里主要也是分为两方面的问题:一是电大系统内部管理体制中存在的问题即上下级电大之间的联系与管理中存在的问题。电大系统内部由于管理层级太多而引发的一系列问题;电大系统的课程管理中存在课程要不断更新与教学计划连续性不强、教材浪费的矛盾;学籍管理中存在教学计划与学制规定不配套的问题;教学管理中存在面授课到课率低,教学资源重复建设、质量不高以及网上形考偏难的问题。二是单个电大即每个具体办学实体内部管理中存在的问题。单个电大内部的管理存在职责划分不合理,职能交叉,关系不顺等问题。 文章最后也是最主要的重点是提出改革广播电视大学内部管理体制的措施。根据前面查找出来的问题,完善广播电视大学的内部管理体制也主要从三个方面进行。一是完善电大系统内部管理体制的措施即加强上下级电大之间的联系与管理的措施;二是完善单个电大即每个具体办学实体内部管理的措施。三是外抓系统建设,内抓自身建设,双管齐下,促进电大的和谐健康发展。
[Abstract]:Founded in 1978, the radio and TV University has made remarkable achievements in the past 30 years. The school has trained a large number of practical talents for the grass-roots level, to improve the quality of citizens, made a significant contribution to promote education fairness, speed up the popularization of higher education in China. But there have been many problems in the development process, such as mechanism bloated, strain capacity is not strong, and so on. The decline in the quality of teaching management system is a problem impeding the development and improvement, all other issues are closely related with the management system. The university management system includes the university internal management system, including the University and external management system, this paper only studies the internal radio and TV university management system. Through the research of the radio and TV university internal management system, find out the improvement measures and methods of the system, so as to better promote the healthy and sustained harmonious radio and TV University Development.
The paper first introduces the background and significance of the research, reviews the research results at home and abroad, and introduces the research methods used in this study.
Then the article describes the main features of the internal management system of radio and TV University, analyzes the management system of radio and TV University and the characteristics of the internal management of a single TV. Radio and TV university system management features include management of TV university system, classification management system, and the TV system of curriculum management, student management. The characteristics of the teaching management. At the same time introduced a single TV that is specific for each specific entity within the school management.
Then the paper analyzed the existing management system of radio and TV University in question. This is largely divided into two aspects: one is associated with the management of the existing TV system in internal management problem between upper and lower TV in the TV system. The internal management level due to a series of problems caused by too much; the course will continue to be updated with the continuity of the teaching plan is not strong existing TV system management in the curriculum, teaching materials and waste regulations exist contradictions; the teaching plan and the educational system is not supporting the problems in school management; teaching management in teaching to low class, repeat the construction of teaching resources, the quality is not high and the online exam hard shape two. There is a single TV that the management of each entity within the specific school in question. A single TV internal management responsibilities is unreasonable, overlapping functions, relationship It's not a problem.
Finally, the main focus is put forward the reform of internal management system of radio and TV University measures. According to the front to find out problems, improve the internal management system of radio and TV University is mainly from three aspects. One is to improve the internal management system of the TV system of measures that strengthen ties between the lower TV and management measures two; a single TV that is to improve the management of each entity within the specific school. Three is outside the grasp system construction, grasp the self construction within the two pronged approach to promote harmonious and healthy development of TV.
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