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发布时间:2018-05-25 20:25

  本文选题:蒙古族中学生 + 民族认同 ; 参考:《河北大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 本研究以社会认同理论和文化适应理论为理论基础,研究在不同社会、家庭及教育文化背景下蒙古族中学生的民族认同情况,以及蒙古族中学生的民族认同与个体自尊的关系。 本研究主要采用问卷调查的研究方法收集数据。在整理国内外量表和收集项目的基础上编制了蒙古族中学生民族认同量表,经过预测后形成最终的蒙古族中学生民族认同量表。 正式施测以民族认同量表(EIS)和罗森博格自尊量表(SES)为工具,对内蒙古自治区赤峰市的645名中学生进行调查,结果如下: (1)编制的蒙古族中学生民族认同问卷具有20个项目,包括认知,情感,行为和评价四个维度,具有较好的信度和效度。 (2)社会因素对蒙古族中学生的民族认同存在着显著的影响,来自牧区的学生的民族认同显著高于来自农村和城镇的学生的认同;蒙古族朋友数目越多及蒙语使用频率越高则学生的民族认同越高。 (3)家庭因素对蒙古族中学生的民族认同存在着显著的影响,父亲教育水平越高,则子女的民族认同越高;父母都为蒙古族的学生的民族认同高于父母一方为蒙古族的学生;父母为牧民的学生的民族认同高于父母为其它职业的学生。 (4)教育因素对蒙古族中学生的民族认同存在着显著的影响,接受蒙授教育的学生的民族认同显著高于接受汉授教育的学生。但是多元回归分析表明,教育方式不是决定民族认同的主要因素,家庭与社会因素对民族认同的影响更大。 (5)民族认同与个体自尊之间呈显著的正相关,蒙授生的自尊水平高于汉授生和汉族学生的自尊水平。
[Abstract]:This study, based on the theory of social identity and the theory of acculturation, studies the national identity of the Mongolian high school students in different societies, families and educational backgrounds, and the relationship between the national identity of the middle school students and the individual self-esteem.
This study mainly uses the method of questionnaire survey to collect data. On the basis of sorting out the domestic and foreign scale and collecting projects, the national identity scale of Mongolian high school students is compiled. After the prediction, the final national identity scale of Mongolian high school students is formed.
645 middle school students in Chifeng, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, were investigated by the national identity scale (EIS) and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (SES). The results were as follows:
(1) the national identity questionnaire for Mongolian middle school students has 20 items, including four dimensions: cognition, emotion, behavior and evaluation. It has good reliability and validity.
(2) the social factors have a significant influence on the national identity of the Mongolian high school students. The ethnic identity of the students from the pastoral areas is significantly higher than the students from the rural areas and towns. The more the number of Mongolian friends and the higher the use frequency of Mongolian language, the higher the national identity of the students.
(3) the family factors have a significant influence on the national identity of the Mongolian high school students. The higher the level of the father's education is, the higher the national identity of the children; the ethnic identity of all the students of the Mongolian students is higher than that of the Mongolian. The ethnic identity of the students whose parents are the herdsmen is higher than that of the parents who are other professions.
(4) the educational factors have a significant influence on the national identity of the Mongolian high school students. The ethnic identity of the students receiving the education of the Mongolian education is significantly higher than that of the students who accept the Chinese education. However, the multiple regression analysis shows that the education mode is not the main factor to determine the national identity, and the family and the social factors have greater influence on the national identity.
(5) there is a significant positive correlation between national identity and individual self-esteem. The self-esteem level of Mongolian students is higher than that of Han students and Han students.


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