本文选题:电大在线教学平台 + 应用现状 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目是教育部《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》的重点项目之一,旨在探索信息时代远距离教育培养人才的新模式。广播电视大学为了改变传统的远程教育模式,适应试点项目的需要,建立了电大在线远程教学平台。学习者通过在线教学平台的交互学习可以形成对知识意义的主动建构;师生之间也可以通过BBS论坛进行交流讨论。但在实际的交互学习中,存在着种种问题,如有效交互的数量少、BBS论坛人气不旺、甚至有些课程论坛中教师发的帖子没有学生回应等等。这就说明提高电大在线远程教学平台交互学习质量是电大教学改革与发展的重中之重。本论文以甘肃广播电视大学为例,选取部分电大分校开放教育的学生作为研究对象,通过对现状的调查、分析,尝试提供了一些有效的策略设计和简单、可行的交互学习质量评价方法。论文由以下五部分构成: 第一部分是绪论,阐述了本论文选题的背景、研究现状、方法、目的与意义。 第二部分是广播电视大学教学发展的演变和特点。首先分析了广播电视大学教学发展的演变,接下来具体讨论了广播电视大学各发展阶段的教学方式、特点以及各阶段交互学习的不足。 第三部分是对电大在线远程教学平台的建设现状与应用的分析。本部分包含两块内容,一块是当前国内外支撑网络交互的环境类型,另一块是电大在线远程教学平台的建设现状及其目前的应用。 第四部分是使用电大在线远程教学平台进行交互学习的调查研究。本部分从学生基本情况、学生与媒体界面的交互、学生与教师的交互、学生与学生的交互四个方面着手,结合具体的调查问卷,进行了交互学习的现状分析,指出了电大在线远程教学平台交互学习过程中存在的主要问题。 第五部分是促进电大学生交互学习的有效策略。这是本文的重点研究部分。首先介绍了计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)的相关概念、基本要素、特点及理论基础。然后分析了影响电大学生交互学习的质量因素。最后提出了促进电大学生交互学习的有效策略。 第六部分是结论,对本论文进行了总结,肯定了研究所取得的成绩,指出了论文中存在的不足。
[Abstract]:The reform of the talent training mode and the pilot project of open education in the Central Radio and Television University is one of the key projects of the Ministry of Education's Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education in the 21st Century, which aims to explore a new model of distance education and talent training in the information age. In order to change the traditional distance education mode and adapt to the needs of the pilot project, Radio and TV University has established the online distance teaching platform of RTVU. Through the interactive learning of online teaching platform, learners can form the active construction of the meaning of knowledge, and teachers and students can also communicate and discuss through the BBS forum. However, in practical interactive learning, there are many problems, such as the low number of effective interaction and the low popularity of BBS forums, and even the fact that teachers in some course forums do not respond to students' posts and so on. This shows that improving the quality of interactive learning of RTVU online distance teaching platform is the most important of the reform and development of RTVU teaching. Taking Gansu Radio and TV University as an example, this paper selects some open education students of RTVU as the research object. Through the investigation and analysis of the present situation, it tries to provide some effective strategies and simple design. A feasible method for evaluating the quality of interactive learning. The thesis is composed of the following five parts: the first part is the introduction, which describes the background, research status, methods, purpose and significance of this paper. The second part is the evolution and characteristics of teaching development in Radio and TV University. This paper first analyzes the evolution of teaching development in Radio and Television University, and then discusses the teaching methods, characteristics and deficiencies of interactive learning in different stages of development of Radio and TV University. The third part is the analysis of the status quo and application of RTVU online distance teaching platform. This part includes two parts, one is the environment type which supports the network interaction at home and abroad, the other is the status quo of the construction of RTVU online distance teaching platform and its current application. The fourth part is the investigation and research of interactive learning using RTVU online distance teaching platform. This part starts with the basic situation of students, the interaction between students and media interface, the interaction between students and teachers, and the interaction between students and students. The main problems in the interactive learning process of RTVU online distance teaching platform are pointed out. The fifth part is the effective strategy to promote the interactive learning of RTVU students. This is the key part of this paper. This paper first introduces the related concepts, basic elements, characteristics and theoretical basis of computer supported Cooperative Learning (CSCL). Then it analyzes the quality factors that affect the interactive learning of RTVU students. Finally, the effective strategies to promote the interactive learning of RTVU students are put forward. The sixth part is the conclusion, summarizes the paper, affirms the achievements of the research, and points out the shortcomings of the paper.
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