本文选题:高中地理 切入点:教学动画 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:地理新课程改革倡导的基本理念对地理教学产生了深远的影响。地理教师越来越注重现代信息技术与地理教学的整合。由此,作为现代信息技术产物之一的地理教学动画成为高中地理教师最需要的地理教学素材。然而,当前国内对高中地理教学动画制作的理论研究尚处在发展阶段,高中地理教学动画无论在数量上还是在质量上难以满足高中地理教师的需要。为促进高中地理教学动画制作水平和技术的发展,本文在教学动画制作的理论研究基础上,提出了极具操作性的教学动画制作的原则、策略和流程并据此研制了两段具有代表性的高中地理教学动画。 第一部分:介绍本文的选题背景;在分析国内外教学动画研究现状的基础上,总结了当前国内教学动画研究上存在的不足,并分析了高中地理教学动画制作研究的理论意义和实践意义;最后,提出了论文研究思路,包括论文的研究方法和技术路线等。 第二部分:概述了对高中地理教学动画的理论认识,具体说明了地理教学动画的概念、地理教学动画的特点、地理教学动画的分类、地理教学动画的价值等。 第三部分:总结提出高中地理教学动画制作的理论基础,主要有:地理科学;认知负荷理论、多媒体认知理论、建构主义等学习理论;色彩心理学、视觉理论、听觉理论等视听教育理论;系统科学理论;地理课程与教学论等。 第四部分:通过对现有动画案例的比较分析以及对高中地理教师调查问卷的数据分析,总结了当前高中地理教学动画制作中存在的问题并分析了存在这些问题的原因。 第五部分:在找到当前高中地理教学动画制作中存在问题并分析原因的基础上,结合高中地理教学动画制作的指导理论,提出了具有操作性的高中地理教学动画制作的原则、策略和流程。 第六部分:依据本文提出的高中地理教学动画制作的原则、策略和流程,研制了具有代表性的两段高中地理教学动画。 第七部分:对本文进行了总结,指出了文章的创新和不足之处,并对高中地理教学动画制作的前景进行了展望。
[Abstract]:The basic ideas advocated by the new geography curriculum reform have a profound influence on geography teaching. Geography teachers pay more and more attention to the integration of modern information technology and geography teaching. As one of the products of modern information technology, geography teaching animation has become the most needed geography teaching material for senior high school geography teachers. High school geography teaching animation is difficult to meet the needs of senior high school geography teachers in quantity or quality. In order to promote the development of high school geography teaching animation production level and technology, this paper is based on the theoretical research of teaching animation production. This paper puts forward the principle, strategy and process of making highly operable teaching animation and develops two representative high school geography teaching animations accordingly. The first part: introduce the background of this paper, on the basis of analyzing the current situation of teaching animation research at home and abroad, summed up the shortcomings of the current domestic teaching animation research, It also analyzes the theoretical and practical significance of the animation research of geography teaching in senior high school. Finally, the paper puts forward the research ideas, including the research methods and technical routes of the paper. The second part: it summarizes the theoretical understanding of geography teaching animation in senior high school, and explains the concept of geography teaching animation, the characteristics of geography teaching animation, the classification of geography teaching animation, the value of geography teaching animation and so on. The third part: summarize and put forward the theoretical foundation of animation production in geography teaching in senior high school, mainly include: geography science, cognitive load theory, multimedia cognitive theory, constructivism, color psychology, visual theory, etc. Auditory theory and other audiovisual education theory; system science theory; geography curriculum and teaching theory. The fourth part: through the comparative analysis of the existing animation cases and the data analysis of the questionnaire of senior high school geography teachers, this paper summarizes the existing problems in the animation production of senior high school geography teaching and analyzes the reasons for these problems. The fifth part: on the basis of finding out the existing problems and analyzing the reasons in the animation production of senior high school geography teaching, combining with the guiding theory of high school geography teaching animation production, this paper puts forward the operational principles of high school geography teaching animation making. Strategy and process. The sixth part: according to the principle, strategy and flow of animation making in senior high school geography teaching, two representative high school geography teaching animation are developed. In the seventh part, the author summarizes this paper, points out the innovation and deficiency of the article, and looks forward to the prospect of animation production in geography teaching in senior high school.
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