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发布时间:2018-04-10 23:31

  本文选题:完美主义 + 自我概念 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:探讨大学生完美主义、自我概念与抑郁三者的关系。 方法:采用Frost多维完美主义量表、田纳西自我概念量表和流调中心用抑郁量表对575名大一新生进行调查。通过描述性统计、t检验、皮尔逊相关检验、多元线性回归检验等方法进行统计分析。 结果:(1)本研究中完美主义条理性维度显著高于常模,个人标准与常模差异不显著,其他维度及总分均显著低于常模;性别差异不显著;在个人标准维度上非独生子女显著高于独生子女。(2)自我概念各维度整体得分较高;在生理自我和自我批评维度上男生显著高于女生;在生理自我、社会自我、自我认同、自我满意和自我总分上独生子女显著高于非独生子女。(3)本研究中大学生抑郁水平显著低于全国常模;抑郁的性别差异和是否独生子女差异均不显著。(4)完美主义各维度和自我概念各维度存在正相关的有:完美主义的条理性与自我概念各正向维度及总分;完美主义其他维度和自我批评。存在负相关的有:担心错误、行为迟疑与自我概念各正向维度及总分;个人标准与心理自我;父母期望与道德自我、心理自我、家庭自我、自我行动;自我批评与条理性。行为迟疑、条理性、担心错误、个人标准能显著预测大学生自我概念。(5)抑郁与完美主义担心错误、个人标准、父母期望、行为迟疑维度及完美主义总分显著正相关,与条理性维度显著正相关;担心错误、行为迟疑、条理性能显著预测抑郁。(6)抑郁与自我概念各正向维度及总分均存在极其显著的负相关,与自我批评显著正相关,心理自我、自我批评、自我总分、道德自我能显著预测抑郁。(7)自我概念在完美主义和抑郁之间的中介作用显著。(8)自我概念在完美主义和抑郁之间起调节作用。 结论:(1)本研究中大学新生完美主义水平较低、自我概念较积极、抑郁程度低。(2)大学生完美主义、自我概念和抑郁关系密切。大学生完美主义程度越高,自我概念越消极,抑郁水平越高;大学生完美主义程度越低,自我概念越积极,抑郁水平越低。(3)大学生自我概念在完美主义和抑郁之间起部分中介作用和调节作用。图0个,表19个,参考文献62篇。
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the relationship among perfectionism, self-concept and depression of college students.Methods: 575 freshmen were investigated with Frost Multidimensional perfectionism scale Tennessee self-concept scale and flow Center Depression scale.The statistical analysis was carried out by descriptive statistical test, Pearson correlation test and multivariate linear regression test.Results (1) in this study, the level of perfectionism was significantly higher than that of norm, the difference between individual standard and norm was not significant, the other dimensions and total score were significantly lower than that of norm, the gender difference was not significant.In the personal standard dimension, the non-only child is significantly higher than the only child. (2) the overall score of each dimension of self-concept is higher; in the dimension of physiological self and self-criticism, the male is significantly higher than that of the female; in the physiological self, social self, self-identity, the male is significantly higher than the female in the dimension of physiological self and self-criticism.The level of depression of college students in this study was significantly lower than that of the national norm;There is a positive correlation between each dimension of perfectionism and the dimension of self-concept: the positive dimension and total score of perfectionism and self-concept;Other dimensions of perfectionism and self-criticism.Negative correlation exists in the following aspects: worrying about error, behavior hesitating and self-concept, positive dimension and total score; personal standard and psychological self; parents' expectation and moral self, psychological self, family self, self-action; self-criticism and organization.Behavioral retardation, orderliness, fear of error, personal standard could significantly predict college students' self-concept. 5) Depression was positively correlated with perfectionism worry error, personal standard, parental expectation, behavioral hesitancy dimension and total score of perfectionism.There was a significant positive correlation between depression and self-concept, significant positive correlation between depression and self-concept, significant positive correlation with self-criticism, and significant positive correlation between depression and self-criticism.Self-criticism, total score of self, moral self can significantly predict depression. 7) Self-concept plays an important role in mediating between perfectionism and depression. 8) Self-concept plays a regulating role between perfectionism and depression.Conclusion (1) the level of perfectionism of freshmen in this study is lower, the level of self-concept is more active, and the degree of depression is low. 2) perfectionism, self-concept and depression are closely related to college students' perfectionism.The higher the degree of perfectionism, the more negative the self-concept, the higher the level of depression, the lower the degree of perfectionism, the more positive the self-concept.The lower the level of depression, the lower the self-concept of college students plays a part of mediating and regulating role between perfectionism and depression.There are 0 figures, 19 tables and 62 references.


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