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发布时间:2018-09-14 11:45
【摘要】:研究目的与意义 随着本土心理学的开展,越来越多的学者开始研究在中国的民族文化特点下,华人的心理健康状况。台湾学者将焦点放在了中国人典型的思维方式——中庸思维上,来探究中庸思维对当代中国人在社会生活和心理健康上的影响。但大陆在这方面的研究起步较晚,较于台湾相对滞后,不仅实证研究较少,而且在中庸思维的测量工具上也是直接沿用台湾编制的量表,但并未检验其在大陆人群的适用性。随着经济全球化进程,多元文化不断地冲击着中国人,尤其是中国的年轻人,探究中庸思维是否仍在人们心理层面起着举足轻重的作用显得十分必要。另一方面,情绪是反映心理健康的重要指标,通过研究中庸思维对情绪的影响,有助于了解其与心理健康状况的关系。因此,在我国大学生群体中进行中庸思维与情绪问题的关系研究,有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。本研究的目的有以下几个方面:1、通过大学生样本对台湾的中庸思维量表进行检验和修订;2、通过全国分层抽样得到的大学生样本进行横断面调查,来反映中国大学生群体中庸思维的现况与特点;3、结合情绪的主要指标,在我国大学生中探究中庸思维与情绪问题的关系。 研究方法 1.研究流程 首先通过一次小组讨论和两次问卷调查的方式,对吴佳辉、林以正编制的中庸思维量表进行讨论和修订,修订后的中庸思维量表具有良好的信效度,并应用到全国调查中。其次,在全国调查中,采用随机分层抽样的方法得到全国大学生样本,并进行调查;最后,利用全国样本的调查结果来了解全国大学生的中庸思维现状与特点,以及探究中庸思维与情绪问题的关系。 2.研究对象 (1)量表的修订包括小组讨论和两次问卷调查。小组讨论成员来自广州市某高校心理学专业学生,以及4名心理学专业高年级研究生和两名心理学专业老师;初次调查对象包括广州市某高校随机选取的四个专业的学生。共发放问卷210份,回收有效问卷198份,有效回收率达到94.3%;第二次调查的研究对象包括广州市某高校,除去第一次调查的四个专业外,随机选取的四个专业的学生。共发放问卷269份,有效问卷为244份,有效回收率为91.4%。 (2)全国调查采用分层随机抽样,在全国六大地区分别抽取2-3所高校,调查共回收问卷8602份,其中有效问卷8202份,有效回收率95.4%;其中男生3094人,女生5108人,年龄范围16-27岁,平均年龄21.1±41.4。 3.研究工具 中庸思维量表(修订版)、抑郁白评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)和自杀行为问卷(SBQ);统计软件选用SPSS19.0。 4.统计方法 本研究中采用的主要统计方法有:项目分析、探索性因素分析、内部一致性信度和重测信度检验、单因素方差分析、相关分析和多元回归分析等。 研究结果 1.修订量表的项目分析结果:各条目高低分组的,值均显著且大于3,显示其鉴别力量很高,各项目与总分的相关均显著且大于0.3,显示其鉴别力良好。 2.修订量表的信度结果:中庸思维量表信度系数(包括克朗巴赫α系数和重测信度)内部一致性信度为0.811,重测信度为0.869,总体上信度较好。 3.修订量表的效度结果:中庸思维量表修订版具有一个共同因素,解释变异量的38.9%,且每项条目共同性都大于0.2,说明该因子结构比较稳定。效标效度方面,有研究表明,“公我意识”和“私我意识”可以作为中庸思维的有效效标。本结果显示修订后的中庸思维量表与自我意识量表中的“公我意识”中的“外表意识”没有相关(r=0.139,P0.05),但与“一般印象”有正相关(r=0.268,P0.01),说明个体中庸思维程度越高,其“公我意识”的程度越高,但与外貌无关。另外,中庸思维量表总分与私我意识中的“情绪知觉”“自我反省”也存有显著正相关(r=0.287,P0.01;r=0.370,P0.01),说明个体的中庸思维程度越高,其“私我意识”的程度越高。 4.我国大学生中庸思维的特点:不同性别的大学生中庸思维差异显著,表现为男生的中庸思维显著低于女生(t=4.74,P0.001,);不同年级大学生中庸思维差异显著,事后比较检验(Post Hoc tests)得知五年级大学生中庸思维得分显著高于其他四个年级(F=6.67,P0.001);不同性取向大学生中庸思维差异显著,事后比较检验得知异性恋的大学生中庸思维得分显著高于其他性取向的大学生(F=10.49,P0.001);不同家庭所在地的大学生中庸思维的差异显著,居住在城市的大学生的中庸思维得分显著高于来自农村的大学生(t=-4.16,P0.001);不同政治面貌的大学生中庸思维的差异显著,有政治信仰的大学生中庸思维得分显著高于无政治信仰的大学生(t=-6.65,P0.001),其中事后比较检验也表明,政治面貌为群众的大学生的中庸思维得分显著低于其他政治面貌的大学生(F=11.73,P0.001)。 5.不同中庸思维程度的大学生的抑郁(t=-28.07,P0.001)、焦虑(t=-18.95,P0.001)、自杀行为(t=-6.97,P0.001)的得分也有显著差异。高中庸思维个体的抑郁、焦虑、自杀行为得分显著低于低中庸思维个体。 6.中庸思维与抑郁、焦虑、自杀行为的相关关系:中庸思维与抑郁(t=-0.327,P0.001)、中庸思维与焦虑(r=-0.238,P0.001)、中庸思维与自杀行为均呈负相关(r=-0.074,P0.001)。 7.中庸思维对抑郁、焦虑、自杀行为的影响:在控制了年龄、性别、居住地、婚恋状况等人口学因素之后,中庸思维对抑郁(r=-30.77,P0.001)、焦虑(t=-21.84,P0.001)、自杀行为(t=-6.04,P0.001)仍具有回归效应.。 研究结论 1.修订后的中庸思维量表在中国大学生中具有良好的信效度,可以作为今后在我国大范围调查的中庸思维测量工具。 2.大陆大学生的中庸思维程度低于台湾大学生的中庸思维程度。 3.大陆大学生中庸思维在部分人口学因素上差异显著:其中女性中庸思维显著高于男性;大五年级大学生显著高于其他年级大学生;异性恋的大学生显著高于其他性取向大学生;来自城市的大学生显著高于农村的大学生;有政治信仰的大学生显著高于没有政治信仰的大学生。 4.大学生中庸思维程度越高,其抑郁、焦虑、自杀行为出现的概率越低。 5.中庸思维对大学生抑郁情绪影响最大,焦虑次之,自杀行为最小。 研究创新点 首次在大陆大学生群体中对林以正、吴佳辉编制的中庸思维量表验证其适应性,并进行修订。修订版量表经大样本数据检验具有良好的心理计量学的属性。其次,本研究采用了,到目前为止全国最大的大学生样本对中国大学生的中庸思维现状及特点进行调查研究,结论具有较好的代表性。 研究不足之处 本研究样本的年级和性别分布不均衡,今后的研究可以在平衡相应的因素后检验结论;没有考虑中庸思维与其他影响情绪因素的交互效应;量化研究只能解释中庸思维与情绪问题的总体相关趋势,缺乏质性研究,进一步探索原因。
[Abstract]:Research purpose and significance
With the development of local psychology, more and more scholars began to study the mental health of Chinese people under the characteristics of Chinese national culture. With the development of economic globalization, multiculturalism has been impacting the Chinese people, especially the year of China. On the other hand, emotion is an important index reflecting mental health. By studying the influence of the mean thinking on emotion, it is helpful to understand the relationship between the mean thinking and mental health. The purpose of this study is to examine and revise the Taiwan Doctrine of Meaning Scale through the sample of College students, and to conduct a cross-sectional survey on the sample of college students from the stratified sampling in China to reflect the Chinese College students. The status and characteristics of the golden mean thinking; 3. Combining with the main indicators of emotion, this paper explores the relationship between the golden mean thinking and emotional problems among college students in China.
research method
1. research process
Firstly, through a group discussion and two questionnaires, Wu Jiahui and Lin Yizheng compiled the Doctrine of the Mean Thinking Scale to discuss and revise, the revised Doctrine of the Mean Thinking Scale has good reliability and validity, and applied to the national survey. Secondly, in the national survey, the random stratified sampling method was used to obtain the sample of the National College students. Finally, using the results of the national sample survey to understand the status and characteristics of the mean thinking of college students in China, and explore the relationship between the mean thinking and emotional problems.
2. object of study
(1) The revised questionnaire included a panel discussion and two questionnaires. The panel discussion consisted of four senior psychology graduates and two psychology teachers from a university in Guangzhou. The first survey included students from four specialties randomly selected from a university in Guangzhou. 210 questionnaires were distributed. A total of 198 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective recovery rate of 94.3%. The subjects of the second survey included a university in Guangzhou. In addition to the four majors of the first survey, students from four majors were randomly selected. A total of 269 questionnaires were sent out, 244 valid questionnaires were sent out, and the effective recovery rate was 91.4%.
(2) 2-3 universities and colleges were sampled by stratified random sampling in six regions of the country. A total of 8602 questionnaires were collected, of which 8202 were valid, with an effective recovery rate of 95.4%. Among them, 3094 were boys and 5108 were girls, aged from 16 to 27, with an average age of 21.1 (+ 41.4).
3. research tools
The Mean Thinking Scale (revised version), the Depression White Scale (SDS), the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the Suicide Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ), and the statistical software SPSS 19.0.
4. statistical methods
The main statistical methods used in this study are item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency reliability and retest reliability test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.
Research results
1. The results of item analysis of the revised scale showed that the value of each item grouped high and low was significant and greater than 3, indicating that the discriminant power was very high, and the correlation between items and the total score was significant and greater than 0.3, indicating that the discriminant power was good.
2. Reliability of the revised scale: The internal consistency reliability of the mean thinking scale was 0.811, the retest reliability was 0.869, and the overall reliability was good.
3. Validity of the revised scale: The revised version of the mean thinking scale had a common factor, accounting for 38.9% of the variance, and the commonality of each item was greater than 0.2, indicating that the structure of the factor was relatively stable. The results showed that there was no correlation between the revised Golden Mean Thinking Scale and the "appearance consciousness" in the self-consciousness scale (r = 0.139, P 0.05), but there was a positive correlation between the revised Golden Mean Thinking Scale and the "general impression" (r = 0.268, P 0.01), indicating that the higher the individual's thinking level of the Golden Mean, the higher his "public consciousness" but not his appearance. There was also a significant positive correlation between the total score of the dimension scale and the "emotional perception" and "self-reflection" in personal consciousness (r = 0.287, P 0.01; r = 0.370, P 0.01), indicating that the higher the individual's mediocre thinking, the higher his "self-consciousness".
4. The characteristics of Chinese college students'golden mean thinking: There are significant differences between male and female students' golden mean thinking, showing that male students'golden mean thinking is significantly lower than female students' (t = 4.74, P 0.001), and different grade students'golden mean thinking is significantly different, and post Hoc tests show that fifth grade students' golden mean thinking scores are significantly higher than other students'. Four grades (F = 6.67, P 0.001); different sexual orientation of college students mean thinking significant difference, after the comparative test found that heterosexual college students mean thinking score was significantly higher than other sexual orientation of college students (F = 10.49, P 0.001); different family places of college students mean thinking significant difference, living in the city of college students mean. The scores of the students with political beliefs were significantly higher than those without political beliefs (t = - 6.65, P 0.001), and the scores of the students with political beliefs were significantly higher than those without political beliefs (t = - 4.16, P 0.001). The scores of Yong thinking were significantly lower than those of other political faces (F=11.73, P0.001).
5. The scores of depression (t = - 28.07, P 0.001), anxiety (t = - 18.95, P 0.001), suicidal behavior (t = - 6.97, P 0.001) and depression, anxiety and suicidal behavior of students with different mediocre thinking levels were significantly lower than those of students with low mediocre thinking level.
6. The relationship between moderate thinking and depression, anxiety, suicidal behavior: moderate thinking and depression (t = - 0.327, P 0.001), moderate thinking and anxiety (r = - 0.238, P 0.001), moderate thinking and suicidal behavior were negatively correlated (r = - 0.074, P 0.001).
7. The influence of moderate thinking on depression, anxiety and suicidal behavior: After controlling demographic factors such as age, sex, residence, marital status, moderate thinking on depression (r = - 30.77, P 0.001), anxiety (t = - 21.84, P 0.001), suicidal behavior (t = - 6.04, P 0.001) still had regression effect.
research conclusion
1. The revised Golden Mean Thinking Scale has good reliability and validity among Chinese College students, and can be used as a tool for measuring the Golden Mean thinking in a large-scale survey in China.
2. the average degree of thinking of mainland students is lower than that of Taiwan college students.
3. There are significant differences in some demographic factors in the thinking of the mean among mainland College students: women's thinking of the mean is significantly higher than men's; fifth-grade college students are significantly higher than other grades; heterosexual college students are significantly higher than other sexual orientation College students; urban college students are significantly higher than rural college students; political students Students who believe in college students are significantly higher than those without political beliefs.
4. the higher the average thinking of college students, the lower the probability of depression, anxiety and suicidal behavior.
5. moderation thinking has the greatest impact on College Students' depression, anxiety is the second and suicide is the least.
Research innovation
It is the first time that Lin Yizheng and Wu Jiahui compiled the Medieval Thinking Scale in mainland China to verify their adaptability and revise it. The revised scale has good psychometric attributes tested by large sample data. Secondly, this study adopts the largest sample of college students in China so far. Investigation and Study on the current situation and characteristics of the two dimensions have good representativeness.
Research deficiencies
In this study, the sample's grade and gender distribution is unbalanced, and future research can test the conclusion after balancing the corresponding factors; it does not consider the interaction between the doctrine of the mean and other affecting emotional factors; quantitative research can only explain the general trend of the doctrine of the mean thinking and emotional problems, lack of qualitative research, and further explore the reasons.


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