本文关键词: 青年教师 专业发展 策略 出处:《苏州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:This paper takes the young teachers of Kuncheng Primary School in Changshu City as the research object, and studies the professional development of the young teachers of Kuncheng Primary School in Changshu City by using the methods of literature, questionnaire and interview. In order to promote the professional development of young teachers, this paper studies the professional development of young teachers in Changshu City. Five strategies have been adopted, including: strengthening the ideological construction of young teachers and improving teachers' accomplishment; providing a platform for young teachers to develop and promote their professional development by taking the organizational system as a guarantee; and building a green blue project. Focusing on young teachers' classroom action research; improving young teachers' scientific research ability and improving young teachers' theoretical level; encouraging young teachers to study further, Although Kuancheng Primary School in Changshu city adopts the above strategies to promote the professional development of young teachers, the investigation shows that there are still the following problems: the teaching and research groups fail to give full play to the demonstration and guidance role of the backbone teachers; The system of training young teachers in schools lacks the executive power, the teachers are mostly passive cooperation, the teachers' work is weak, and the development motivation is not enough, the targets of young teachers' training in schools are not comprehensive enough; The evaluation system of teachers can not stimulate the interest of teachers' professional development. Based on the problems revealed by the survey above, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions: schools should adopt the methods of grasping the typical, strong competition, planning, promoting reflection and so on. To guide young teachers to strengthen their self-practice efforts; to give play to the exemplary and leading role of excellent education; to promote the growth of key teachers; to strengthen the enforcement of the system by perfecting the system of teacher and apprentice pairs; Setting up reward fund and other ways to increase the execution ability of young teachers; creating a good atmosphere of team development through the cultivation of cooperative consciousness and team model; reducing the workload of teachers and reducing the job burnout in teachers' work; We should make different growth plans in stages, lead all young teachers to develop together in different levels, establish an effective incentive mechanism, establish a graded evaluation system through spiritual and material rewards, and set up development goals for the professional development of young teachers.
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