本文选题:聊城市区小学 切入点:人教版 出处:《聊城大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Computer art is a product of the information age, a new art based on computer application technology, and a way of expressing art language using new media. Teachers should use computers as far as possible to guide students to create vivid art pictures. At present, computer art has been incorporated into the teaching contents of many versions of art textbooks in primary and secondary schools. Among them, the people's Education Publishing House has added a section of computer art teaching content for each volume from the first grade to the sixth grade, and the people's art publishing primary art textbook has added the computer art teaching content from the third to the sixth grade. Shanghai calligraphy and painting Publishing House has added computer art teaching content from the first volume to 10th volumes. Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House introduced computer art and so on in the second edition of sixth grade. With the development of the times, The students of the new generation have a strong interest in computers. The opening of computer art courses is certainly an important carrier for the cultivation of pupils' aesthetic tastes and innovative abilities. It can stimulate students' innovative spirit and develop their ability to operate on a hands-on basis. Compared with the computer art teaching in the economically developed cities, the rate of offering computer art classes in primary schools in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, is very low, and the present situation of computer art courses in primary schools in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, is very low. How to develop computer art classes in primary schools in Liaocheng City, and how to effectively solve these problems, This research includes four chapters: the first chapter is the investigation and analysis of the present situation of computer art course in Liaocheng City; The second chapter analyzes the importance of computer art class in primary art class and the feasibility of its development, the third chapter puts forward strategies and suggestions for the effective development of computer art class in Liaocheng city. Chapter 4th analyzes the practical value of the development of computer art course in primary schools of Liaocheng city and the thinking and prospect of the development of computer art class of primary school in Liaocheng city. The conclusion is an analysis of the predicament of the development of computer art class in primary school of Liaocheng city. The computer art course of Liaocheng primary school has not been carried out basically, almost no one has carried on the thorough inquiry, this article carries on the comprehensive exploration and analysis according to the Liaocheng city elementary school computer art class reality situation, the theory and the teaching example unifies carries on the summary reflection, For the Liaocheng city primary school computer art class development provides the realistic basis.
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