本文选题:抗日战争 切入点:革命根据地 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:From September 1931 to September 1945, foreign aggression against Japan was very serious. China, which was in a state of national distress, urgently needed its people to carry forward the spirit of patriotism in order to save the situation of the country during the extraordinary period and the revolutionary base area led by the Communist Party of China. To implement national defense education in a special historical period, to make full use of the special subject of national defense games, and to integrate the knowledge of air defense, poison prevention, reconnaissance, risk avoidance, and all kinds of active resistance against the enemy into the physical education of primary school students. To cultivate the ability of primary school students in revolutionary base areas to "save themselves" and "save the nation" and to enrich national defense forces. This paper adopts the literature method to collect the teaching materials, memoirs, and guidelines of national defense education for the revolutionary base areas before and after the Anti-Japanese War. Physical education curriculum standards and other first-hand materials, on the basis of text analysis, Basically restore the reality of implementing national defense game education in primary schools in three typical revolutionary base areas. This paper summarizes that national defense game education in primary schools in revolutionary base areas before and after the War of Resistance against Japan has the advantages of enhancing children's physique, training children's military skills, and cultivating children's quality. The objective evaluation of the historical contribution of elementary schools in revolutionary base areas to the implementation of national defense game education lies in: stimulating pupils' spirit of not fearing sacrifice, fighting against Japan and saving the nation; and cultivating pupils to save their own lives. This paper summarizes the historical experience of developing the national defense game education in the revolutionary base area by means of summarizing the history of the primary school national defense game education in the revolutionary base area. The enlightenment of implementing national defense game education in revolutionary base areas lies in: adding national defense game education to stimulate students' patriotic thought, developing national defense game education, improving students' military and physical quality, strengthening national defense game education, Cultivate the quality of students' will.
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