本文选题:小学数学 切入点:课堂 出处:《杭州师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the advancement of the new round of curriculum reform, the role of teachers has also changed. Students become the main body of the classroom, and teachers play the role of guides and organizers of students. Coordinator. This requires us to re-examine the way teachers teach and the way students learn. Through questionnaires and interviews, as well as long-term case studies, The present situation of primary school mathematics teachers' classroom answering and the reasons behind it are as follows: the single form of classroom answer is due to the teacher's mistake of relying too much on students, the less strategy of answering is that the teacher's consciousness of answering in class is weak, and the teacher thinks that questioning is the right answer; The students think that the waiting time is not enough because the timing of answering in class is difficult to control, and the time for teachers to answer questions is unreasonable; the scope of classroom answers is concentrated and teachers ignore the backward students in order to improve their efficiency; most of the answers are positive. However, some classroom answers are simple and direct, and negative feedback makes them inefficient. According to the case study, the following principles are obtained: interesting principle, thinking principle, timeliness principle, etc. According to the analysis of the present situation of primary school mathematics classroom teaching, the author puts forward five strategies: strengthening teachers' awareness of answering, enriching teachers' strategy of answering, being good at capturing the resources of answering, and effectively controlling the timing of answering. In order to learn to capture the answer resource, we must make clear the type of the answer resource, that is, the type of student generation. The author induces the generation of teaching and learning, classroom accident generation and classroom management generation. It broadens teachers' understanding of answering resources. According to different generation, teachers can adopt different strategies. The strategies are divided into linguistic strategies and non-linguistic strategies. Linguistic strategies include: 1) Diagnostic strategy: positive strategy, negative strategy, negotiation strategy / developmental strategy: questioning strategy, question changing strategy. Answer strategy: inductive strategy, normative strategy, promotion strategy. Non-verbal answer strategy includes action answer, facial expression answer, material theory answer and so on. It is believed that the following points should be paid attention to to skillfully use the responses generated in primary school mathematics classroom: setting up advanced idea, fully presetting before class, being good at listening in class and diligent in reflection after class. Teachers adopt appropriate response strategies, which stimulate students' mathematical thinking, make the classroom full of wisdom, and make the relationship between teachers and students more harmonious.
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