本文选题:个性化教学 + 小学高年级学段 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:One of the "health curriculum standard" primary and secondary school PE curriculum, is to reform the curriculum contents and teaching methods, focusing on the students' development, teaching, help students learn It differs from man to man., learning, improve the learning ability and health ability, promote the development of personalized teaching. Fully respect the students' personality, can make every student to experience he is successful. To obtain knowledge and skills in the learning process, full of personality in the development of edify sentiment, perfect personality and cultivate students' sense of collectivism and enhance students' learning initiative, so as to improve the teaching efficiency and students' physical quality, practice on the development of people the concept of education, to cultivate children's confidence and personality, to realize the final goal of health first ". In this paper, using the method of literature, discusses the personality theory The necessity of teaching in primary school high grade school of physical education, in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum reform, in accordance with the present situation of China's education, meet the needs of the development of students. The use of individualized teaching in primary school high grade school physical education can arouse the students' enthusiasm and initiative, promote the development of students' personality analysis; the teaching of individualized teaching and traditional administrative classes, and the specific implementation steps of applying personalized teaching in primary school high grade school PE class. Two classes in Huaian City, Jiangsu Province, Xinmin Road Primary School in the fifth grade students as the research object, a teaching experiment for a semester of study, through questionnaire investigation, teaching experiment and test. The experimental data of the experimental class and control class, and the statistics, analysis, verification of the administrative class teaching in primary school high grade individualized teaching school physical education compared to the traditional, To better the development of students' personality, more actively mobilize students' learning initiative, improve sports scores, and promote their mental health and overall development. The results show that: first, the use of personalized teaching in primary school high grade school physical education is necessary. Two, the use of personalized teaching in primary school high grade school some physical education improves the physical fitness and sports skills of the students. In three, the use of personalized teaching in primary school high grade school physical education to improve the students' sports attitude. Four, improve the students' psychological health. Five, promote the development of students' personality.
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