本文选题:吟诵 + 古诗词 ; 参考:《海南师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Reciting is a traditional Chinese way of reading. In our country there are more than two thousand years of history. In ancient private schools and official schools, students use recitation to learn ancient poetry and prose. By reciting, we can not only read poetry, understand the general idea, but also understand the melodious rhythm, cadence, rich emotion and wonderful artistic conception of classical poetry. However, since modern times, because of the invasion of foreign culture and the reform of educational system, reciting this ancient way of reading is almost forgotten. Fortunately, in recent years, some people of insight in the field of Chinese have re-recognized the value of recitation, began to rescue, protect the traditional recitation, and began to gradually promote recitation teaching. It was in this context that the study was carried out. The aim is to make more pupils learn to appreciate ancient poetry by reciting, to change the way they learn classical poetry, and to carry forward and inherit the precious traditional culture of our recitation. In the initial stage of the study, the literature about recitation is briefly analyzed. By combing the literature, it is found that the contemporary research on recitation in China has the following four angles: first, the study of the historical and practical significance of recitation; second, the linguistic perspective of recitation; third, the musicology of recitation; 4. A study of the teaching perspective of recitation. The conclusion is that if we want to protect the cultural heritage of recitation and play its role better, we must introduce recitation teaching into the classroom of basic education. Therefore, the study began to explore the theory and practice, with the intention of finding an effective way to apply recitation to the teaching of ancient poetry in primary schools. Firstly, the concepts of "recitation", "recitation and recitation", "reciting and singing" and "reciting teaching" are defined. Secondly, this paper analyzes the target requirements, content requirements and suggestions for the teaching of ancient poetry in primary schools in the course of compulsory Education Chinese Curriculum Standard (2011), and summarizes the enlightenment of the characteristics of the Chinese language to the teaching of ancient poetry and ci recitation. Take both as the theoretical basis, for the practical exploration to do a good job. Third, it puts forward a set of teaching methods of reciting ancient poetry in primary schools. This method is divided into four steps, which are respectively: 1: clear tune: entering the country with sound, unfurling imagination 2, having a correct accent: mastering words, feeling the charm and taste 3, defining rhythm: mastering the law. Cultivate language sense 4, recite repeatedly: comprehend poetic meaning, experience emotion. At the end of the article, the author shows the recitation teaching case of the lesson "Fengqiao Night Park", so as to show the concrete implementation process of the teaching method in the actual classroom teaching.
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