本文选题:感恩 + 感恩现状 ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and society, under the impact of new culture and various values, people's concept of life has undergone complex changes, which not only affects adults, but also has a huge impact on teenagers and children. The following is a variety of moral loss and improper behavior of news reports, including "lack of sense of gratitude", "ingratitude" and other words have emerged frequently, people can not help worrying about the current moral situation. At the same time, more and more people pay more and more attention to teenagers' moral quality and perfect personality. Gratitude is a positive emotional experience, but also a continuous state of mind, but also an emotional trait and psychological quality. This study investigates and studies the local primary school students from four aspects: gratitude cognition, gratitude emotion, gratitude behavior and gratitude object. Through a series of investigation and analysis, this study found that the present situation of primary school students' gratitude is generally good, the sense of gratitude is the least, and the "sense of treasure" to others' favor is the strongest. Interestingly, the pupils tested showed the highest degree of gratitude to teachers and classmates, and the lowest levels of gratitude to life and parents. In addition, this study also explored the gender, residence, grade, whether the only child, whether class cadres in several aspects of significant differences. In terms of gender, there were significant differences in the data for six factors, namely, gratitude, kindness, gratitude, teachers, and society. The average scores of the above factors were higher in girls than in boys, but there was no significant difference in other factors. In terms of residence, the differences were mainly concentrated in "grateful treasure", "grateful nature", "Shane", "grateful life", "grateful society". "grateful classmates" these six factors. Compared with students in rural areas, primary school students in urban areas have a better understanding of gratitude; there is no significant difference in whether the pupils tested are only children; from the perspective of whether they are class cadres, they are "grateful and cherish." There are significant differences in the seven factors, such as "gratitude", "gratitude teacher", "grateful classmate", "grateful life" and "gratitude nature". The degree of gratitude of students who are class cadres is higher than that of students who are not class cadres. From the perspective of grade level, the Thanksgiving situation of primary school students shows different differences in different grades. Especially the "grateful parents" has the most significant difference, the higher the grade, the higher the degree of gratitude, and the higher the grade, the lower the degree of gratitude. According to the conclusion of this study, the participants were tested again through several months of Thanksgiving education curriculum intervention. This study found that after the intervention of Thanksgiving course, students' gratitude was improved in varying degrees, especially to their parents. After comparing before and after the Thanksgiving education course, this study also put forward a more effective and feasible Thanksgiving education program from the feedback.
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