本文选题:活动经验 + 苏教版教材 ; 参考:《教学与管理》2017年26期
[Abstract]:It is pointed out in the Mathematics Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education (2011 edition): "by studying mathematics in the compulsory education stage, students can acquire the basic knowledge, basic skills and basic ideas of mathematics necessary for adapting to social life and further development." Basic activity experience. " From this, we can see that the basic activity experience has become one of the important goals of mathematics curriculum. Taking the practical activities arrangement of the teaching materials of the Su education edition as an example, this paper analyzes the presentation of the basic activities in the teaching materials, and discusses how to make the students accumulate the experience of the basic activities in the teaching process in combination with their own teaching practice.
【作者单位】: 江苏淮安市人民小学;
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