[Abstract]:As the quintessence of mathematics learning, mathematical thought method is the key to forming good cognitive structure and mathematics accomplishment. Based on the goal of "Mathematical thought" in the "four bases" proposed by the Mathematics Curriculum Standard of compulsory Education (2011 edition), this paper takes the experimental teaching material of the Su Education Edition as an example to solve the following three problems: first, why should we infiltrate the mathematical thought method in the teaching; The second is which mathematics thought methods are contained in the elementary school mathematics teaching material, and the third is how to infiltrate the mathematics thought method effectively in the teaching process. Based on the reading and analysis of the literature on mathematical thought and methods, this study mainly expounds from two aspects: theory and practice. Theoretically, on the basis of defining the connotation and main characteristics of mathematical thought method, this paper expounds the educational value of mathematical thought method, and summarizes several common mathematical thought methods in mathematics teaching in primary school: classification, induction, deduction, and so on. In practice, in combination with the specific teaching cases in the teaching material, the classification thought, the combination of the number and form thought, the abstract thought, the model thought, the classification thought, the form combination thought, the abstract thought, the model thought, The reasoning thought and symbolic thought summarize the teaching strategy of infiltrating mathematics thought method in primary school mathematics teaching. Finally, based on the present teaching situation, some factors influencing the effective infiltration of mathematics thought method in primary school mathematics teaching are analyzed.
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