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发布时间:2018-07-28 21:51
[Abstract]:School education plays a leading role in the whole development of human body and mind, while primary education, as the basic part of the education system, plays an important role in the growth of children. Of course, the power of family education can not be ignored, parents as children's first teacher, their impact on children is incalculable. Therefore, there must be cooperation between family education and school education. This issue has become a common concern of scholars in relevant fields of contemporary countries, but also a practical problem that parents and front-line teachers are concerned about. In Britain, the legal right of parents to participate in education has been clarified since the 1940s, and the related policies of home-school cooperation have been promulgated one after another, which is much earlier than the cooperation between home and school in China. This article mainly uses the literature method, the comparative law and the case analysis method, through tracing the British home school cooperation related practice research and the development situation, elaborated the British primary school cooperation external safeguard mechanism and the internal practice situation, to its content. On the basis of the description of form and approach, this paper summarizes the characteristics and experiences of home-school cooperation in British primary schools. It can be seen that the success of home-school cooperation in British primary schools is the common result of many aspects: the government promulgates relevant policies and regulations to provide the development platform for home-school cooperation, the social cooperative organization promotes the process of home-school cooperation; The diversification and maneuverability of the cooperation mode guarantee certain effect for its development. The main chapter of this paper is about the practice of home-school cooperation in British primary schools. By introducing the contents, forms and ways of cooperation between families and schools, the author concludes the successful experiences of home-school cooperation in Britain. And to our country primary school cooperation provides some suggestions for reference. Based on the successful experience of home and school cooperation in Britain and the practical problems in our country, the countermeasures proposed in this paper are as follows: attaching importance to the evaluation of third party education, making home and school cooperation the standard of educational quality testing, and promoting the reform of the system of "parents' committee" in primary schools. Encouraging parental representatives to participate in school decision-making management; establishing national parent-teacher associations to introduce excellent PTA models from abroad; and developing parents' resources reasonably and effectively, and expanding them to schools as educational resources, Widen the channel of cooperation between home and school.


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