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发布时间:2018-08-01 12:50
[Abstract]:With the deepening of English teaching reform, "experiential English teaching", as a new teaching concept, has attracted more and more attention in educational circles, especially in colleges and universities. In order to find the way of development of English education in China, educators have carried out relevant studies from different levels and perspectives. On the basis of summarizing and analyzing the previous research results, the author combines his own practical experience of teaching in primary school. From the microcosmic perspective of experiential English teaching in primary schools, this paper analyzes the application value, problems and reasons of experiential English teaching in primary English teaching practice. This paper also tries to explore an effective way to improve English teaching in primary schools under the guidance of "experience" in order to give full play to the unique functions of experiential English teaching in primary school teaching and to improve the quality of English teaching to the maximum extent. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly discusses the concept of experience, experiential teaching, experiential English teaching, its connotation and practical significance, so as to lay a foundation for the follow-up study of this thesis. The second part mainly discusses the relevant theories of experiential English teaching (modern linguistics, modern cognitive and psychological theories on motivation and emotion) and its supporting role in experiential English teaching. This paper discusses the value of experiential English teaching. The third part is a survey of the current situation of experiential English teaching in primary schools, in order to find out the existing problems, including knowing its effect and abandoning its use, formalism, teaching effect deviation and single teaching evaluation. The fourth part is based on the problems found in the investigation of the current situation, from the experience of teaching connotation cognitive errors, teaching literacy is on the low side (reflected in the theory of self-preservation is not satisfactory, Lack of practical knowledge reserve and uneven teaching and research level), teaching process is not reasonable (reflected in the creation of teaching situation random, lack of design of teaching activities, the form of group cooperation is inefficient, This paper analyzes the causes of the existing problems in primary experiential English teaching in order to find the crux of the problem in reality from the four angles of improper teaching control and guidance) and the absence of teaching evaluation. The fifth part is based on the first two chapters, and tries to make the experiential English teaching play a better role in the primary school English teaching. It mainly includes: first, to correctly grasp the essence of experiential English teaching, to respect and inspire students' autonomy, to clarify the differences between experience and experience, and to pay equal attention to ecological environment and humanistic environment; second, to enhance teachers' teaching literacy. In order to sublimate teachers' spiritual state, optimize teachers' professional quality and improve teachers' teaching and research level, third, we should optimize the experiential teaching process, create real teaching situations, carefully design teaching activities, and effectively carry out group activities. Fourth, we should perfect the teaching evaluation mechanism, including renewing the evaluation concept, adjusting the evaluation means and enriching the evaluation subject. This paper holds that experiential English teaching is a dynamic English teaching model which is full of humanistic concern and follows the rules of students' physical and mental development. It is very suitable for the promotion and use of English teaching in primary schools. The effective implementation of experiential English teaching in primary school will further enhance students' main position in English teaching, establish students' positive experience in English learning, and arouse students' initiative in learning English. The research on the theory and practice of experiential English teaching in primary school will also provide some ideas for the general education practitioners to change their teaching ideas and innovate English teaching.


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