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发布时间:2018-08-02 15:06
[Abstract]:This paper studies the forming process of the theory of socialist core values, looks up the research materials of value education at home and abroad, and understands the achievements made in carrying out the education of core values at home and abroad. The related theoretical concepts are defined and the direction of the research is defined. The connotation of socialist core values is rich. It is helpful to study the relationship between socialist core values education and moral education by further understanding its contents from three aspects: humanistic education, moral education and civic education. On the investigation of the development of core values education in primary schools, this paper explores the subjective attitude and learning effect of students, teachers' professional accomplishment and the subjective attitude of school leaders through questionnaires and interviews. Through the analysis of the teaching materials of Chinese and ideological goods in primary schools, the main contents of the core values education in schools are understood, and the investigation of Chinese in primary schools tends to investigate the infiltrating contents of moral education. In order to understand the implementation of the core values education in order to understand the implementation of the core values education in order to understand the implementation of the core values education in a more comprehensive way, combined with classroom observation, this paper analyzes the development of moral education activities and the activities of the class team in the school. Classroom teaching examples are analyzed. Through on-the-spot investigation and understanding of the development of socialist core values in primary schools, we can find that the introduction of socialist core values plays a very good role in promoting, deepening and enriching moral education in schools. So that the content of moral education in primary schools can keep up with the times and play a positive role in school moral education. However, there are few existing papers on the relationship between core value education and school moral education and the development of core value education in primary school moral education. This is unfavorable for promoting the implementation of socialist core values in primary schools. The implementation of core values education in primary schools has a good side, which needs us to continue to maintain, but there are also many shortcomings, such as students' understanding of the socialist core values theory deviation, different knowledge and behavior. We need to improve and solve problems such as the single method of education. Through enriching the ways and methods of core value education, exploring new educational resources, paying attention to school education and family education, combining classroom teaching with extracurricular activities, etc., to optimize the implementation effect of core value education in primary schools.


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