[Abstract]:This study takes Chinese mythology teaching in primary school as an example to study how to integrate cross-cultural consciousness education into Chinese subject. Due to the new situation of globalization, more and more attention has been paid to cross-cultural consciousness. At the same time, the education department has written many times that students should not only learn the broad and profound Chinese culture, but also respect and absorb the nutrition of other excellent cultures. It can be said that the cultivation of cross-cultural consciousness is the new mission of education in the new era. However, in the course of the author's practice, it is found that the teaching practice of cultivating students' cross-cultural consciousness in Chinese subjects is not ideal, and the cross-cultural consciousness of primary school students' Chinese learning is not optimistic. Based on this, this paper firstly investigates the current situation of cross-cultural awareness among the fourth, fifth and sixth grade students in target primary schools by interview, and finds that many students can not connect similar Chinese and foreign myths and carry out cross-cultural comparison. Understand its similarities and differences, their cross-cultural awareness is relatively weak. Secondly, this paper uses the strategy of multi-disciplinary analysis, referring to the related theories of anthropology, mythology, history and literature, such as cultural iceberg theory, prototype theory and so on. Deeply understand the rich cultural connotation of Chinese and Western mythology. Thirdly, based on the above theories, this study applies cross-cultural comparative method to the lesson case of "Comprehensive Learning 'theme: myth" by teacher Lin Mei of Zhangzhou three Middle School language Group. This paper designs the teaching design of cultivating cross-cultural consciousness in mythology teaching, that is, the comparative teaching design of Prometheus and Suitu. By means of cross-cultural comparative teaching, students can perceive the similarities and differences of culture behind mythology, and then enhance students' cross-cultural consciousness. Finally, the author puts forward some points that should be paid attention to in the teaching design of cultivating students' cross-cultural consciousness. First, it is necessary to guide students to distinguish the relationship and difference of culture behind the story. Second, students should be interested in the point of entry point to carry out a variety of teaching activities. Third, pay attention to guide students to identify with Chinese excellent culture. Fourth, we should train students to take the initiative to cultivate cross-cultural awareness. In addition, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures on the difficulties faced in the cultivation of cross-cultural consciousness. One is to strengthen teachers' cross-cultural quality training, the other is to develop curriculum resources of teaching materials. There is still a long way to go in the popularization of cross-cultural consciousness cultivation in the subject of Chinese. The comparative principle of Chinese and foreign mythology is analyzed and the teaching case design is put forward in this study. For other language teaching to continue to explore the cultivation of cross-cultural awareness to make their own meager contribution, for others to carry out similar research to provide a reference for reference.
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