[Abstract]:Objective to understand the knowledge and influencing factors of schoolbag use among parents in Jinshan District, Shanghai, and to provide theoretical basis for parents to guide their children to use schoolbag properly. Methods five public primary schools in Jinshan District were randomly selected by cluster sampling, and then one class was randomly selected from each grade of the extracted school, and a self-designed questionnaire was carried out on all the parents of the selected class. Results the highest reported rate of schoolbag (85.2%) was overweight. There was no significant difference in the level of knowledge between parents of primary school students and schoolbags (85.2%). The average score of parents' related knowledge was (11.67 卤6.62), which was only half of the total score. The score of local parents' knowledge about schoolbag is better than that of other parents. The higher the education level, the higher the income, the better the achievement, the better the expectation of the children's achievement, the higher the score of the parents' related knowledge. The highest behavior guidance rate for parents was the use of backpack with both shoulders, which was 80.5; the other behavior reporting rates were all below 50; the lowest was how to safely pick up, lift up until the backpack was loaded and the behavior of stabilizing the backpack above the waist. The reporting rate is below 20. Conclusion parents in Jinshan District know less about schoolbag and their daily instruction behavior is not enough. We should strengthen parents' health education, carry out various health education activities, and pay more attention to parents with low income and low educational background.
【作者单位】: 上海市金山区疾病预防控制中心;复旦大学公共卫生学院;
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