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发布时间:2018-09-14 08:56
[Abstract]:Primary school Chinese teaching material is the carrier of spreading knowledge and propagating the current mainstream social value. As a specific social culture, the image of children is a reflection of the role orientation of children and the hopes they place on children in the current society, as well as a reflection of the degree of social development and the degree of social civilization. It is also an important manifestation of the dominant values, traditional consciousness and social psychology in this society. The image of children has received much attention since its emergence. Literature, sociology, pedagogy and other subjects have been the focus of research. In the primary school Chinese textbooks, a group of children of similar age, vivid and infectious characters are selected and molded. Children in primary school are growing up and developing, with strong curiosity, imitation and inquiry. The child characters in the textbooks can attract these students with their unique attraction, and make them have the psychology of worship and yearning for the children characters in the textbooks. In this way, textbook writers can make use of the images of children to convey social mainstream values and traditional culture to the children through the value molding of the images of children in the textbooks. To explore the cultural value of children's image in the primary school Chinese teaching materials of Su Jiao edition is of great significance to the textbook writers, teachers and students who use the textbooks, and the cultural value contained in the children's images in the Chinese teaching materials can be known. To provide the direction and guidance for the course teaching and even the textbook compilation. This study chooses the child character as the breakthrough point, uses the literature method, the content analysis method and the interview method to carry on the research to the Su education edition elementary school Chinese teaching material as the analysis text, takes the child character's time as the main frame of the analysis. Under the main frame, the external image and the internal image of the child are analyzed again, in which the external image includes gender, country and identity, and the inner image includes the psychological image and the moral image. This paper makes statistics and analysis on the images of children in the elementary school Chinese teaching materials. Through statistics and analysis, it is found that the value transferred from the primary school Chinese teaching materials of Su Jiao version in shaping the image of children mainly includes paying attention to the integration and inheritance of culture, the happy growth and development of children's psychology, insisting on taking life as the basis and developing harmoniously; At the same time, this study also reveals the inequitable distribution of primary school Chinese teaching materials in the portrayal of children's characters, the serious gender bias, the significant tendency of children's adulthood and the large gap in the distribution of children's identity. In view of these shortcomings, the author puts forward the relevant suggestions of compiling textbooks: rationally arranging children's characters in different periods, paying attention to the shaping of children's images and gender, arranging the identity of children's characters in different periods as a whole, and restoring children's nature.


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