[Abstract]:The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the flow of rural primary school teachers in Lhasa, Tibet. The significance of this study lies in: the rural primary schools in Lhasa, with the support of the national policy, have implemented the three-package policy in rural and pastoral primary schools, and almost all the teachers' qualifications in the rural primary schools in Lhasa have been able to meet the teaching requirements of rural primary schools. However, there are still some problems. For example, the students' achievements are still not high, the teaching environment needs to be improved, the teacher wastage and so on. Some problems can be understood, but some problems are very confusing. For example, teachers' academic qualifications are already very high. Why is it still worrying about the students' academic achievement and the improvement of the transition rate? This is caused by the unique teaching environment in Tibet. The quality of education in Tibet's agricultural and pastoral areas is influenced by the natural environment, the climate conditions on the plateau, the educational concepts caused by the living habits of farmers and herdsmen, and so on. Therefore, the problem of teacher mobility in rural primary schools in Lhasa can not be achieved overnight, it is a complex problem affected by various factors. Therefore, the research significance of this paper mainly includes the following aspects: first, the basic education of rural primary schools is in an important position in the whole compulsory education stage, and the teachers of rural primary schools in Lhasa play a decisive role in the results of rural primary education; Second, the characteristics of teachers' mobility can make teachers' satisfaction, and have an important impact on the enthusiasm of the work. Third, the rural primary schools in Lhasa city include rural areas, pastoral areas, and schools of agri-pastoral integration. The contents of the research are very rich. The conclusions can be used for reference in other parts of the study area. In order to make the research in this paper more practical and more true to reflect the existing problems, the following research methods are adopted. First, interview, that is, through dialogue to find out the truth of some of the problems. Second, observation means observing the school's hardware facilities, teachers' and students' behavior around the school to judge the school's teaching environment. Third, the literature method, that is, through the knowledge network to check the periodicals, degree papers to understand the latest research results of basic education in Tibet, through the reading of books to master the classical discussion of this field. Fourth, questionnaire method, that is, through the data to be investigated into a table or a simple questionnaire to collect data. At present, the research on teacher mobility in rural primary schools is mainly based on psychology, behavior, economics, ecology and so on. In the scope of the research object, the case study is gradually carried out from the whole region to several schools or even one school in a certain area, which makes the society have a deeper understanding of the problem of the flow of teachers in rural primary schools. However, among a large number of articles on teacher mobility in rural primary schools, there are only a few articles devoted to the flow of rural primary school teachers in ethnic minority areas. There are few articles on the study of teacher mobility in rural primary schools in Tibet, and there are few in-depth and detailed studies on them. Due to the unique plateau environment in Tibet, the author thinks that the conclusion of rural primary school teacher mobility in Tibet cannot be copied from the mainland's conclusion on the flow of rural primary school teachers by looking up relevant documents and personal experience. It is necessary to combine the natural environment of Tibet and the cultural life of farmers and herdsmen and so on. This paper puts forward its own opinion by studying the situation of four primary schools in rural and pastoral areas and combining with the overall situation of Tibet.
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