[Abstract]:Music is the art of hearing and practice. Music learning must be achieved through experience and experience. Music games are the most direct and effective way to perceive and experience music. The teaching method of music game is an important way to lead students to experience music. It takes music as the medium, clings to the basic knowledge of music, effectively combines the musical elements with interesting games, and applies the teaching method in the ordinary music classroom. According to the research characteristics of music game teaching method, this paper adopts the educational action research method which is widely used at present. It is a kind of educational research method which combines theory with practice effectively, and is one of the important research methods in educational research. In order to solve the practical problems in education and help the scientific application of teaching methods, this paper emphasizes that the research goes deep into the actual situation and makes the research more objective, authentic and effective. The teaching method of music game accords with the aesthetic experience value of compulsory education (2011 edition), creates development value and social contact value, and also accords with the principle of "pay attention to human development" in the development trend of international music education reform. In addition, the music game teaching method has important reference significance and value to the music education and even the whole subject teaching. Through the action research of music game teaching in primary school music teaching, this paper analyzes the relationship between music and game and the spiritual connotation of music game from the game level, starting from the angle of teaching method. This paper discusses the concept, characteristics, goal orientation and value of music game teaching method, thus arousing students' lifelong interest in music. Through the research on the action of three rounds of effective action in the teaching of music game, the students can gradually and continuously improve the process from the initial use of multi-sensory perception of music to the process of understanding music to create music. So that the music game teaching method can be effectively used in the music classroom, so that students can harvest music knowledge and skills at the same time to obtain a pleasant experience of body and mind, thus forming a lifelong love of music, love life of the spiritual power.
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