发布时间:2018-01-17 03:35
本文关键词:“复兴教科书”的抗战救亡启蒙 出处:《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》2015年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In 1932, the business press was bombed and burned by the Japanese army during the "January 28" incident. In 1933, the slogan "sacrifice for the national disaster, struggle for culture," in the resumption of business slogan. The Commercial Press introduced a new "rejuvenation textbook" to encourage the Chinese nation to resist aggression and cherish peace, showing a special and close agreement with the war. To become a sharp weapon of enlightenment and salvation in the War of Resistance against Japan. "Revival textbook" Enlightenment "do not forget the national shame", clear the austere nature of the anti-Japanese war to save the nation; Enlighten "going to the country together" to clarify the national character of the anti-Japanese war to save the nation; Enlighten "heroic War of War", clear the righteous nature of the War of Resistance to save the nation.
【作者单位】: 宁波大学教师教育学院;
【正文快照】: 1931年9月18日,日本武力入侵中国东北,铁蹄践踏中国的河山,中华民族处于生死存亡的危险时刻。1932年1月28日,日军侵犯上海闸北。第二天上午,日机就轰炸宝山路商务印书馆总厂,使总管理处及四个印刷厂、栈房中弹起火,全部焚烧。2月1日,日本浪人又潜入东方图书馆纵火,五层大楼及,