本文选题:新疆高校 切入点:教学质量 出处:《石河子大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of college enrollment, more and more students get the opportunity to receive higher education, which is not only an opportunity for the development of higher education, but also a challenge. Teaching quality is the lifeline of the development of colleges and universities. How to ensure the teaching quality effectively is the key to the development of higher education. As an organic part of the internal guarantee of teaching quality in colleges and universities, incentive mechanism plays an important role in the guarantee of teaching quality. Stimulating students' interest in learning and the level of service provided by teaching administrators have played an important role in the development of teaching in colleges and universities. Based on the important factors affecting teaching quality and the incentive objects of teaching quality assurance, from the perspective of teachers, students and teaching managers, this paper applies the knowledge of education, psychology, management and other related disciplines to the analysis of literature texts. By means of investigation, interview, comparative study and other methods, the problems existing in the incentive mechanism of teaching quality in Xinjiang colleges and universities are analyzed. It also puts forward the countermeasures to perfect the internal guarantee and incentive mechanism of teaching quality in Xinjiang universities. This study is carried out according to the ideas of "asking questions"-"analyzing problems"-"solving problems". This paper expounds the theory and composition of the internal guarantee of teaching quality in colleges and universities, defines the concepts of the guarantee of teaching quality and the incentive mechanism, and analyzes the basis, principle and construction of the incentive mechanism of the guarantee of teaching quality. It provides a theoretical basis for this study. Secondly, based on a large number of text materials and interviews, this paper analyzes the incentive mechanism of teachers, students and teaching managers in the framework of the incentive mechanism of teaching quality assurance. This paper analyzes and combs the current situation of the incentive mechanism of teaching quality guarantee in Xinjiang universities and analyzes the problems existing in the operation of the incentive mechanism in Xinjiang's local colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the factors that affect the incentive mechanism of teaching quality guarantee in Xinjiang colleges and universities. Using the method of induction-summing up, this paper puts forward the strategy of perfecting the incentive mechanism of teaching quality assurance in Xinjiang colleges and universities. Based on the analysis of this study, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) Xinjiang colleges and universities need to establish teachers, There are still some problems in the internal guarantee of teaching quality in Xinjiang colleges and universities, which need to proceed from the overall goal of teaching development in colleges and universities. To establish an incentive mechanism for ensuring teaching quality, Xinjiang colleges and universities should adhere to the idea of "people-oriented", starting from the needs of university teachers, students and teaching administrators. In order to realize the coordination between personal goal and teaching quality goal, the guarantee of teaching quality in Xinjiang colleges and universities needs to change from the monitoring mechanism to the incentive mechanism.
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