本文选题:本土教学论 + 实践思维 ; 参考:《教育科学》2015年05期
[Abstract]:The development of Chinese traditional indigenous teaching theory is a process of evolution with Confucianism teaching thought as the main line. In this process, its own unique construction method, the practice experience method, is gradually precipitated.One way is very different from the western emphasis on reason: first, insist on taking the heterogeneous logic of teaching practice as the center to answer "how can teaching be carried out better?"Instead of taking homogenous theoretical logic as the center to answer the theoretical question of "what is teaching"; second, to adhere to the way of summing up experience in daily teaching life, rather than using the method of experimental verification to construct oneself.Thus, it is expressed as the whole inquiry, not the variable control, the experience reflection rather than the hypothesis test, the description but not the quantitative analysis, the subject and the object blending instead of the subject and the object separating; third,Insisting on constructing oneself in the way of practical experience rather than pure rational speculation, thus expressing itself as intuitionistic rather than logical analysis, imagery rather than pure abstract; fourthly, insisting on constructing oneself with practical rationality rather than general transcendental reason,Therefore, the performance of WTO rather than birth, historical continuity rather than history break.
【作者单位】: 渤海大学教育学院;
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