本文选题:教育人才 + 区域教育 ; 参考:《人民教育》2015年16期
[Abstract]:The Aries district says 10% of school office money must be spent on teacher training and 5% on teacher care. Qingyang District is one of the five central districts of Chengdu. The district committee and the district government always adhere to the strategic orientation of priority development of education and the development path of the overall modernization of regional education. The professional level of principals and teachers determines the development level of education. The modernization of educational talents is the core engine and real driving force of regional education modernization. All along, Qingyang District has always adhered to the construction of the contingent of educational talents as the region to promote the modernization of education.
【作者单位】: 四川省成都市青羊区教育局;
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