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发布时间:2018-08-14 16:11
[Abstract]:Through literature review and analysis, it is found that there are few researches on compulsory education for children of floating population in Nanning, and most of them focus on Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other developed regions. Through statistical yearbooks, government websites, books and materials, this study analyzes the enrolment of children of floating population in Nanning in compulsory education, and the measures taken by local governments in this regard. And summed up the difficulties that Nanning government faces in the process of dealing with the compulsory education of floating children: the difficulties of entering school in the stage of entrance, the high entrance threshold, the harsh conditions, the great pressure to pay for the expenses of borrowing to study and so on; In the process of compulsory education, the learning environment is weak, the degree of community life integration is low, the acceptance capacity of public schools is limited, the difficulties of running private schools are difficult, the results of education and teaching are difficult to guarantee and the teaching quality is difficult to be guaranteed. The reasons are the limitation of the national household registration system, the imbalance of local education policy, the limited carrying capacity of public school resources, the lack of acceptance of the number of teachers in private schools, the wide mobility of teachers, the lagging of teaching management and the difficulties of running schools. The family environment is unstable, parents' quality needs to be improved, and the ability of individuals to adapt to the new environment is low. Finally, based on the theory of educational fairness, interaction theory, social integration theory and educational public governance theory, this paper proposes to establish and perfect the management and service system of compulsory education for children of floating population. Strengthening the government's consciousness of public service and education supply to disadvantaged groups, perfecting the legal guarantee of the balanced development of compulsory education in Nanning, the policy guarantee and the fund guarantee of balanced supply; Improve the public governance system of compulsory education, improve the public governance capacity of compulsory education, form a pattern of government, society, market, school and individual governance, and achieve the balance between demand and supply of basic education, To ensure that vulnerable groups receive compulsory education on an equal basis and to safeguard the fairness of education.


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